Þörungalíftækni – Tækni og tækifæri fyrir sjálfbært lífhagkerfi

Heiti verkefnis: Algae Biotechnology - Techniques and opportunities for a sustainable bioeconomy

Samstarfsaðilar: University of Cambridge, U.K., Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), U.K., Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB, Germany

Rannsóknasjóður: EIT Food

Upphafsár: 2023


René Groben



Algal biotechnology offers huge opportunities within a sustainable Blue Bioeconomy, including improvemnts in the food industry, producing novel proteins, nutraceticals and pharmaceuticals, creating bioplastics and fuel, etc. This rapidly expanding field does though require a broad knowledge base by students, early career & senior researchers and entrepeneurs interested in working in this sector.

The aim of this professional development programme is to provide introductory training and theory in algal biology, culturing, growth and biotechnology under laboratory and small scale pilot facilities. The course will also offer insights and examples from an industrial and entrepreneurial perspective, that can help the participants to found or improve their own algal-based business.

The course will be held multiple times a year both online and in-person and consists of lectures by renown experts, discussions and networking, hands-on training and site visits to algal companies. For more information on content, dates and to apply for a place see: https://learning.eitfood.eu/courses/algae-biotechnology#main