
Áhugaverður fyrirlestur í húsakynnum Matís


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Prófessor Wolfgang Hillen verður með fyrirlestur hjá Matís, Vínlandsleið 12, Reykjavík fimmtudaginn 3. júní kl. 10.00 – 11.00. Fyrirlesturinn ber heitið: Tetracycline Dependent Gene Regulation in Bacteria and Mammals: From Mechanisms to Applications. 

Prófessor Wolgang Hillen er formaður örverufræði líffræðideildar, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen-Nürnberg í Þýskalandi.
Nánar um efnið fyrirlestursins

Tetracycline Dependent Gene Regulation in Bacteria and Mammals: From Mechanisms to Applications
Tetracycline dependent gene regulation originates from resistance genes against this antibiotic in bacteria. The resistance mechanism has provided evolutionary pressure to establish a gene regulation system with low background expression combined with sensitive and efficient induction. The relevant prokaryotic components have been modified to function in nearly all organisms, including transgenic mice and human cell lines. A special strategy will be described for the construction of a suicide device for gene therapy by inducing apoptosis in human cell lines at will using regulated t-Bid expression. The basal expression is reduced below the induction threshold by a combined repressor/activator regulation construct, which leads to over 99% cell death upon induction. Furthermore, a screen for the nuclear localization of proteins will be described that does not need microscopy but instead makes use of a purely genetic procedure in which expression of a reporter gene indicates nuclear localization. The potential for screening novel therapeutics will be discussed.

Nánari upplýsingar veitir Franklín Georgsson,