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The ability of in vitro antioxidant assays to predict the efficiency of a cod protein hydrolysate and brown seaweed extract to prevent oxidation in marine food model systems


The ability of different in vitro antioxidant assays to predict the efficiency of cod protein hydrolysate (CPH) and Fucus vesiculosus ethyl acetate extract (EA) towards lipid oxidation in haemoglobin-fortified washed cod mince and iron-containing cod liver oil emulsion was evaluated. The progression of oxidation was followed by sensory analysis, lipid hydroperoxides and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) in both systems, as well as loss of redness and protein carbonyls in the cod system.


The in vitro tests revealed high reducing capacity, high DPPH radical scavenging properties and a high oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) value of the EA which also inhibited lipid and protein oxidation in the cod model system. The CPH had a high metal chelating capacity and was efficient against oxidation in the cod liver oil emulsion.


The results indicate that the F. vesiculosus extract has a potential as an excellent natural antioxidant against lipid oxidation in fish muscle foods while protein hydrolysates are more promising for fish oil emulsions. The usefulness of in vitro assays to predict the antioxidative properties of new natural ingredients in foods thus depends on the knowledge about the food systems, particularly the main pro-oxidants present. © 2015 Society of Chemical Industry

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Exploring the Microbiology of the Deep Sea

In this chapter the current knowledge of the diversity of piezophiles isolated so far is reviewed. The isolated piezophiles originated from high-pressure environments such as the cold deep sea, hydrothermal vents, and crustal rocks. Several “stress” conditions can be experienced in these environments, in particular high hydrostatic pressure (HHP). Discoveries of abundant life in diverse high-pressure environments (deep biosphere) support the existence and an adaptation of life to HHP. At least 50 piezophilic and piezotolerant Bacteria and Archaea have been isolated from different deep-sea environments but these do not by far cover the large metabolic diversity of known microorganisms thriving in deep biospheres. The field of biology of piezophiles has suffered essentially from the requirements for high-pressure retaining sample containments and culturing laboratory equipment, which is technically complicated and expensive. Only a few prototypes of HHP bioreactors have been developed by a number of research groups and this could explain the limited number of piezophiles isolated up till now.

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Potential seaweed-based food ingredients to inhibit lipid oxidation in fish-oil-enriched mayonnaise

Brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus has a high potential as a source of natural antioxidants due to a high diversity of bioactive compounds in its composition. In this study, four extracts were characterized with respect to composition of bioactive compounds, in vitro antioxidant properties and their partitioning between water and octanol. Additionally, the antioxidant activity of the extracts was evaluated in a fish-oil-enriched mayonnaise. Acetone and ethanol were found to extract the highest amount of phenolic compounds and carotenoids. Water used as extraction solvent, extracted some phenolic compounds but also higher amount of metals and chlorophyll derivates. It was proposed that extracts with high phenolic content and low iron content, such as the acetone and ethanol extract, would have the highest potential as antioxidants in foods. This was confirmed in the storage trial, where these extracts showed higher antioxidant activity.

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Oxidative Stability of Granola Bars Enriched with Multilayered Fish Oil Emulsion in the presence of Novel Brown Seaweed Based Antioxidants

Fucus vesiculosus extracts that have both radical scavenging activity and metal chelating ability in vitro were used as natural antioxidant in granola bars enriched with fish oil emulsion by using primary and secondary emulsion systems stabilized by sodium caseinate alone and sodium caseinate–chitosan. The bars were stored at 20 °C and evaluated over a period of 10 weeks by measuring the development of primary and secondary oxidation products. The samples prepared with secondary emulsion system developed less oxidation products probably due to increased interfacial layer thickness that would act as a barrier to the penetration and diffusion of molecular species that promote oxidation. The positive charge of oil droplets in the secondary emulsion may also inhibit iron–lipid interaction through electrostatic repulsion. Additional protection against lipid oxidation was obtained when fish oil emulsions were added to the granola bars especially in combination with acetone and ethanol extracts of Fucus vesiculosus.

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Influence of Lipid Content and Blanching on Capelin (Mallotus villosus) Drying Rate and Lipid Oxidation under Low Temperature Drying

The drying characteristics and lipid oxidation in brined and blanched whole capelin were studied during controlled low temperature drying to establish the influence of lipid content and blanching. Drying characteristics (moisture content, drying rate and water activity) and lipid oxidation indicators (PV, TBARS and color) were determined. Drying was influenced by blanching as well as the lipid level. Moisture content at equilibrium for brined and blanched high lipid dried capelin was 20 and 13% (aw, 0.69 and 0.62), whereas counterpart low lipid groups had 19 and 11% (Aw, 0.67 and 0.59) accordingly after 184 h of drying. Changes in PV, TBARS and color were observed as drying progressed with brined capelin exhibiting more stability in the attributes than blanched capelin. Blanched and low lipid capelin dried faster; however, blanching resulted to increased yellowness color making it unpopular for capelin drying.

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Pyrococcus kukulkanii sp. nov., a novel hyperthermophilic piezophilic archaeon isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent at the Guaymas Basin

A novel hyperthermophilic, piezophilic, anaerobic archaeon, designated NCB100T, was isolated from a hydrothermal vent flange fragment collected in the Guaymas basin at the hydrothermal vent site named ‘Rebecca’s Roost’ at a depth of 1997 m. Enrichment and isolation were performed at 100 °C under atmospheric pressure. Cells of strain NCB100T were highly motile, irregular cocci with a diameter of ~1 µm. Growth was recorded at temperatures between 70 and 112 °C (optimum 105 °C) and hydrostatic pressures of 0.1–80 MPa (optimum 40–50 MPa). Growth was observed at pH 3.5–8.5 (optimum pH 7) and with 1.5–7 % NaCl (optimum at 2.5–3 %). Strain NCB100T was a strictly anaerobic chemo-organoheterotroph and grew on complex proteinaceous substrates such as yeast extract, peptone and tryptone, as well as on glycogen and starch. Elemental sulfur was required for growth and was reduced to hydrogen sulfide. The fermentation products from complex proteinaceous substrates were CO2 and H2. The G+C content of the genomic DNA was 41.3 %. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequence revealed that strain NCB100belongs to the genus Pyrococcus, showing 99 % similarity with the other described species of the genus Pyrococcus. On the basis of physiological characteristics, DNA G+C content, similarity level between ribosomal proteins and an average nucleotide identity value of 79 %, strain NCB100T represents a novel species for which the name Pyrococcus kukulkanii sp. nov. is proposed. The type strain is NCB100T (=DSM 101590T=Souchothèque de Bretagne BG1337T).

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Rannsóknir á hitakærum örverum á háhitasvæðum á Reykjanesi, Hengilssvæði og Fremrinámum. Unnið fyrir Faghóp 1 í Rammaáætlun 3 / Thermophilic microorganisms from geothermal areas at Reykjanes, Hengill and Fremrinámar.




Edda Olgudóttir, Sólveig K. Pétursdóttir

Styrkt af:

Rammaáætlun 3 (RÁ3)

Rannsóknir á hitakærum örverum á háhitasvæðum á Reykjanesi, Hengilssvæði og Fremrinámum. Unnið fyrir Faghóp 1 í Rammaáætlun 3 / Thermophilic microorganisms from geothermal areas at Reykjanes, Hengill and Fremrinámar.

Yfirstandandi rannsókn var unnin á vegum Rammaáætlunar 3 og tók til háhitasvæða sem höfnuðu í biðflokki í RÁ2. Svæðin voru Trölladyngja og Austurengjahver á Reykjanesi, Fremrinámar og Þverárdalur og Innstidalur á Hengilssvæði. Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að meta fjölbreytileika og fágæti hitakærra örvera á ofangreindum svæðum. Aðferðafræðin byggðist á DNA greiningum óháð ræktun. DNA var einangrað úr sýnum og tegundagreinandi gen mögnuð upp og raðgreind og raðirnar bornar saman við raðir í genabönkum og úr fyrri rannsóknum. Alls var 118 sýnum safnað 2015 og tókst að raðgreina u.þ.b. 59% þeirra. Alls fengust um 10 milljónir 16S genaraða úr raðgreiningum sem lækkaði niður í tæplega sex milljónir eftir að öllum skilyrðum um gæði og lengd hafði verið fullnægt. Flestar raðir fengust úr Innstadal, eða 2.176.174, en fæstar 286.039 úr Trölladyngju. Fjölbreytileiki örvera á hverju svæði var metinn út frá samanburði á fjölda fylkinga, fjölda tegunda, söfnunarkúrfum og fjölbreytileikastuðli Shannons. Heildarfjöldi sýna og raða af hverju svæði var afar mismunandi og endurspegla fjölbreytileika þess. Þegar raðirnar voru flokkaðar til tegunda við 97% samsvörun kom í ljós að flestar tegundir komu úr Þverárdal, eða um 42 þúsund, en fæstar úr Trölladyngju, eða um 9 þúsund. Rúmlega 12 þúsund tegundir fundust í sýnum úr Fremrinámum, sem kom á óvart þar sem svæðið og sýnin virtust einsleit og ekki búist við slíkum fjölbreytileika. Allar helstu hverabakteríur fundust í sýnunum, bæði Fornbakteríur og Bakteríur. Sérstakir hópar fundust sérstaklega innan Thaumarchaeota fylkingarinnar. Mat á fjölbreytileika á einstökum svæðum með söfnunarkúrfum og fjölbreytileikastuðli miðaðist við minnstan fjölda raða eða 286.039 úr Trölladyngju. Mestur tegundafjölbreytileiki var í Þverárdal og Innstadal og minnstur við Trölladyngju og Austurengjahver, en Fremrinámar voru mitt á milli. Söfnunarkúrfur gáfu sömu niðurstöðu. Líffræðilegur fjölbreytileiki (H) gaf aðra röðun. Þar voru Þverárdalur og Fremrinámar með mestan fjölbreytileika (H= 8 og 7,7), þá Innstidalur en Trölladyngja og Austurengjahver (H=6) ráku lestina. Fágæti var metið út frá fjölda og hlutfalli óþekktra tegunda með samanburði við Silva gagnagrunninn. Fjöldi óþekktra tegunda var mestur í Þverárdal og Innstadal, báðir með rúmlega 1000, Fremrinámar með 756 og Trölladyngja og Austurengjahver með á fjórða hundrað óþekktar tegundir. Fágæti á landsvísu var metið með samanburði gagna af einstökum svæðum við fyrri rannsóknir og athugað hvort samsvörun ætti sér stað. Í ljós kom að jarðhitasvæðið í Fremrinámum hefur að geyma mikinn fjölda tegunda sem eiga sér ekki samsvörun á öðrum hverasvæðum.

The current project was requested by the Master Plan for Nature Protection and Energy Utilization and aimed at geothermal areas which had not been classified for preservation or utilization during Masterplan 2. The geothermal areas investigated were Trölladyngja and Austurengjahver at Reykjanes, Fremrinámar and Þverárdalur and Innstidalur at Hengill. The goal of the project was to estimate biodiversity and rarity of thermophiles inhabiting the areas mentioned. The methods used were DNA based and were performed on DNA extracted from primary samples (culture independent). Microbial species identification was performed by amplification and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes and comparison with sequence databases and previous research. A total of 118 samples were collected in 2015 of which 59% were sequenced. The total sequencing yield was 10 million reads, of which 6 million passed quality assessment and were used for downstream analyses. The largest proportion of the reads were obtained from Innstidalur samples, 2.176.174 reads, and the lowest proportion from Trölladyngja, 286.036 reads. The biodiversity of microorganisms within each area was estimated using the number of phyla and species, rarefaction curves and Shannons’ biodiversity index. The total number of species identified varied between sites and reflected the diversity of the geothermal area and the total amount of sequences obtained. Using a cut-off value of 97% similarity, the sequences were classified to the species level. The highest number of species, approximately 42.000, were identified in samples from Þverárdalur and the lowest number, approximately 9.000, in samples from Trölladyngja. Roughly 12.000 species were found in samples from Fremrinámar, which was surprising as the area and the samples appeared rather homogenous and such diversity was therefore not expected. All the main thermophilic taxa of the Bacteria and Archaea domains were identified in the samples. Unknown groups were found especially within the phylum of Thaumarchaeota. For the rarefaction and biodiversity index estimates the lowest number of sequence reads, Trölladyngja, was used as reference. The species diversity was found to be highest in Þverárdalur and Innstidalur, the lowest in Trölladyngja and Austurengjahver, and intermediate in Fremrinámar. Rarefaction curves showed the same results. The calculated biodiversity index (H) gave different results, indicating highest diversity in Þverárdalur and Fremrinámar (H=8 and 7,7 respectively), intermediate in Innstidalur (H=7.0) and lowest in Trölladyngja and Austurengjahver (H=6). Rarity was estimated as the number of species which could not be identified by comparison to the Silva database. The highest number of unidentified species was roughly 1000 in Þverárdalur and Innstidalur, 756 in Fremrinámar and between 300- 400 in Trölladyngja and Austurengjahver. The rarity was also estimated by comparing data obtained in the current project with data from previous projects. The analysis revealed a particularly high number of unique species in Fremrinámar that have not been identified in other geothermal areas in Iceland.

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Norrænt korn – Ný tækifæri / Northern Cereals – New Opportunities




Ólafur Reykdal, Sæmundur Sveinsson, Sigríður Dalmannsdóttir, Peter Martin, Jens Ivan í Gerðinum, Vanessa Kavanagh, Aqqalooraq Frederiksen, Jónatan Hermannsson

Styrkt af:

NORA, the Nordic Atlantic Cooperation. NORA project number 515-005


Ólafur Reykdal



Norrænt korn – Ný tækifæri / Northern Cereals – New Opportunities

Verkefni um kornrækt á norðurslóðum var unnið á tímabilinu 2013 til 2015. Verkefnið var styrkt af Norræna Atlantssamstarfinu (NORA). Þátttakendur komu frá Íslandi, N-Noregi, Færeyjum, Grænlandi, Orkneyjum og Nýfundnalandi. Tilgangurinn með verkefninu var að styðja við kornrækt á strjálbýlum norrænum svæðum með því að prófa mismunandi byggyrki og koma með leiðbeiningar fyrir bændur og matvælafyrirtæki. Efnilegustu byggyrkin (Kría, Tiril, Saana, Bere, NL) voru prófuð hjá öllum þátttakendum og mælingar gerðar á uppskeru og gæðum. Magn bygguppskeru var breytilegt milli svæða og ára. Meðal sterkjuinnihald þurrkaðs korns var 58% en það er nægjanlegt fyrir bökunariðnað. Sveppaeiturefni (e. Mycotoxin) greindust ekki í þeim sýnum sem send voru til greiningar. Ályktað var að kornsáninng snemma væri mikilvægasti þátturinn til að stuðla að góðri kornuppskeru á NORA svæðinu. Einning er mikilvægt að skera kornið snemma til að koma í veg fyrir afföll vegna storma og fugla.

A project on the cultivation of cereals in the North Atlantic Region was carried out in the period 2013 to 2015. The project was supported by the Nordic Atlantic Cooperation (NORA). Partners came from Iceland, NNorway, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Orkney and Newfoundland. The purpose of the project was to support cereal cultivation in rural northern regions by testing barley varieties and providing guidelines for farmers and industry. The most promising barley varieties (Kria, Tiril, Saana, Bere and NL) were tested in all partner regions for growth and quality characteristics. Grain yields were very variable across the region and differed between years. Average starch content of grain was about 58% which is sufficient for the baking industry. Mycotoxins, toxins formed by certain species of mould, were not detected in selected samples. Early sowing was concluded to be the most important factor for a successful cereal production in the North Atlantic region. Early harvest is recommended in order to secure the harvest before it becomes vulnerable to wind and bird damages, even though the grain will be slightly less mature.

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Ekki ruglast! Matís er ekki Matvís sem er ekki MAST…..

Ekki nóg með að nöfn þessara eininga séu keimlík heldur er umfjöllunarefni þeirra að mörgu leyti það sama; matur! Það er því alls ekki skrýtið að fólk ruglist. Og til að bæta gráu ofan á svart þá eru þau með aðsetur eða útibú á nánast sama svæðinu í Reykjavík.

MAST (Matvælastofnun): Matvælastofnun sinnir stjórnsýslu, eftirliti, fræðslu og þjónustu við sjávarútveg, landbúnað, fyrirtæki og neytendur í þeim tilgangi að stuðla að heilbrigði og velferð dýra, heilbrigði plantna og öryggi, heilnæmi og gæðum matvæla. Staðsetning: Selfoss, umdæmi dýrlækna á landsvísu og að Stórhöfða 23. Heimasíða: www.mast.is

Matvís: MATVÍS er félag iðnaðarmanna í matvæla- og veitingagreinum, þ.e.a.s. bakara, kökugerðarmanna, framreiðslumanna, kjötiðnaðarmanna, matreiðslumanna, nema og annarra sem starfa við framreiðslu, matreiðslu og sölu á matvælum og félagið ákveður að veita viðtöku. Staðsetning: Stórhöfða 31. Heimasíða: www.matvis.is

Matís (Matvælarannsóknir Íslands): Matís er þekkingarfyrirtæki sem sinnir fjölbreyttu rannsókna- þjónustu- og nýsköpunarstarfi í matvæla- og líftækniiðnaði. Matís veitir ráðgjöf og þjónustu til fyrirtækja í sjávarútvegi og landbúnaði, sem og íslenska ríkinu. Sem dæmi kemur Matís að þróun á nýjum vörum og ferlum fyrir fyrirtæki og hefur mikilvægu hlutverki að gegna varðandi gæði og öryggi matvæla. Matís gegnir engu eftirlitshlutverki. Staðsetning: Vínlandsleið 12 og á nokkrum stöðum á landsbyggðinni. Heimasíða: www.matis.is


Kynningar- og vinnufundur: Lífhagkerfisstefna fyrir Ísland

Fimmtudaginn 26. maí kl. 14-16 fer fram kynning á drögum að lífhagkerfisstefnu fyrir Ísland. Kynningin fer fram í höfuðstöðvum Matís að Vínlandsleið 12 í Reykjavík.

Vinna við mótun stefnunnar hefur farið fram undanfarna mánuði í umboði sjávarútvegs- og landbúnaðarráðherra. Á fundinum verða drög stefnunnar kynnt hagaðilum og kallað eftir umræðum og athugasemdum.

Nauðsynlegt er að skrá sig á netfangið matis(at)matis.is til þess að taka þátt. Í skráningunni þarf að koma fram fullt nafn og upplýsingar í hvaða vinnuhópi óskað er eftir að taka þátt (sjá hópaskiptingu neðar).


  • 14:00-14:15     Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson, sjávarútvegs- og landbúnaðaráðherra – ávarp
  • 14:15-14:40     Sigrún Elsa Smáradóttir – kynning á lífhagkerfisstefnunni
  • 14:40-15:20     Hópavinna
  • 15:20-16:00     Yfirferð yfir niðurstöður vinnuhópa og umræður


Alþjóðlegt samstarf og nýir markaðir

•    Samlegðaráhrif rannsóknaáætlana
•    Þróunarsamvinna
•    Samstarf á norðurslóðum

Vannýttar auðlindir og tækifæri þvert á geira

•    Nýting vannýttra auðlinda
•    Nýting hliðarafurða
•    Tækniyfirfærsla milli geira

Tækniþróun og uppbygging mannauðs

•    Opið lífmassaver
•    Menntun morgundagsins
•    Samhæfing RNI (rannsóknir, nýsköpun, iðnaður)

Byggðaþróun og öflugir innviðir

•    Svæðisbundin stefna
•    Áhersla stefnumiðaðra sjóða
•    Styrking innviða

Opinber fjárfesting og fjárfesting einkaaðila

•    Stuðningur við sprota
•    Stefnumiðaðar rannsóknaáherslur
•    Nýting gagna og kynning

Bláa lífhagkerfið

•    Framtíðar vörur og markaðir
•    Sjálfbær nýting og lausnir gegn mengun
•    Forysta í málefnum hafsins