
QALIBRA-Heilsuvogin. Fourth Annual Report




Helga Gunnlaugsdottir, Nynke de Jong, Matthew Atkinson, Heleen van Dijk, Meike Wentholt, Lynn Frewer, Bjorn Thorgilsson, Heida Palmadottir, Andy Hart

Styrkt af:

ESB, Matís

QALIBRA-Heilsuvogin. Fourth Annual Report

Þessi skýrsla er fjórða og síðasta ársskýrsla í Evrópuverkefninu QALIBRA og nær yfir tímabilið 1.04. 2009 til 31.12. 2010. QALIBRA, eða “Quality of Life – Integarted Benefit and Risk Analysis. Webbased tool for assessing food safety and health benefits,” skammstafað QALIBRA (Heilsuvogin á íslensku), er heiti Evrópuverkefnis, sem heyrir undir Priority 5, Food Quality & Safety í 6. Rannsóknaráætlun ESB. Um að ræða þriggja ára og 9 mán verkefni sem Matís ohf stýrir. Verkefnistjóri fyrir verkefnið í heild er Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir, deildarstjóri á Matís. Markmið QALIBRA‐  verkefnsins er að þróa magnbundar aðferðir til að meta bæði jákvæð og neikvæð áhrif innihaldsefna í matvæum á heilsu manna. Þessar aðferðir hafa verið settar fram í tölvuforriti sem er opið og aðgengilegt öllum hagsmunaaaðilum á heimasíðuverkefnisins Aðferðirnar sem þróaðar voru prófar á tvenns konar matvælum þ.e.a.s. fisk og markfæði. Þátttakendur í verkefninu eru frá Íslandi, Bretlandi, Hollandi, Grikklandi; Portúgal og Ungverjalandi.

This is the fourth and last annual report from the “QALIBRA  ‐ Quality of life – integrated benefit and risk analysis. Web – based tool for assessing food safety and health benefits” project funded by the EC’s Sixth Framework Programme, Priority 5, Food Quality & Safety. It began in April 2006 and ended December 2009. To assess the balance between the risks and benefits associated with a particular food, they must be converted into a common measure of net health impact. Uncertainties affecting the risks and benefits cause uncertainty about the magnitude and even the direction of the net health impact. QALIBRA has developed methods that can take account of multiple risks, benefits and uncertainties and implemented them in a web‐based software for assessing and communicating net health impacts. The methods and software developed by QALIBRA were used to carry out detailed case studies on the benefits and risks of oily fish and functional foods. The software developed in the project to assess and integrate beneficial and adverse effects of foods is available at the website of the project    Participants in the project: Matís, Iceland, coordinator, The Food and Environment Research Agency United Kingdom, National Institute of Public Health and The Environment, The Netherlands, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, University of Patras, Greece, Altagra Business Service.

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