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Oxidative processes during enzymatic hydrolysis of cod protein and their influence on antioxidant and immunomodulating ability

Höfundar: Halldorsdottir, S.M., Sveinsdottir, H., Freysdottir, J., Kristinsson, H.G.

Útgáfa: Food Chemistry

Útgáfuár: 2014


Fish protein hydrolysates (FPH) have many desirable properties, however heating and shifts in pH can cause oxidation during enzymatic hydrolysis. The objective was to investigate oxidative processes during enzymatic hydrolysis of fish protein and the impact of oxidation on the antioxidant and immunomodulating ability of FPH. Protease P “Amano” 6 was used to hydrolyze cod protein in the presence and absence of pro-oxidants at pH 8 and 36 °C to achieve 20% degree of hydrolysis. Results from thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and sensory analysis indicate that oxidation can develop rapidly during hydrolysis. A cellular antioxidant assay using a HepG2 cell model indicated a negative impact of oxidation products on antioxidant properties of the FPH while results obtained in chemical assays showed a negligible impact. Results from a dendritic cell model indicating that oxidation products may affect anti-inflammatory activity in the body. This study provides important information regarding bioactive FPH.

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