
Functionality testing of selected Chill‐on technologies during a transport‐simulation study of palletized cod boxes: qPCR for fish spoilage bacteria, SLP model and QMRA to evaluate pathogen growth in spiked cod




Hélène L. Lauzon, Björn Margeirsson, Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Eyjólfur Reynisson, María Guðjónsdóttir, Emilía Martinsdóttir (Matís); Radovan Gospavic, Nasimul Haque, Viktor Popov (WIT); Guðrún Ólafsdóttir, Tómas Hafliðason, Einir Guðlaugsson, Sigurður Bogason (UoI)

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EU IP Chill‐on (contract FP6‐016333‐2)


Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir


Functionality testing of selected Chill‐on technologies during a transport‐simulation study of palletized cod boxes: qPCR for fish spoilage bacteria, SLP model and QMRA to evaluate pathogen growth in spiked cod

Í þessari rannsókn voru gerðar prófanir á tæknilausnum sem þróaðar voru í EU verkefninu Chill‐on þar sem sett var upp hermitilraun til að   líkja eftir raunverulegum flutningum á fiski frá Íslandi til Evrópu. Hitastigssveiflur, sem fiskurinn varð fyrir, miðuðu að því að herma eftir flutningi frá Íslandi til Frakklands með skipi. Bretti af þorskhnökkum í frauðplastkössum voru flutt til Vestmannaeyja með skipi og til baka aftur til Matís í Reykjavík. Sýni úr þessum brettum voru síðan borin saman við samanburðarsýni sem geymd höfðu verið við undirkældar aðstæður hjá Matís. Þorskhnökkum var jafnframt pakkað í neytendapakkningar (bakka) strax eftir vinnslu og síðan eftir 6 daga og voru geymdir við undirkældar eða kældar aðstæður. Einnig voru gerðar örveruvaxtartilraunir þar sem Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli og Salmonella Dublin var bætt út í þorskhnakka sem geymdir voru í frauðplastkössum við aðstæður sem líktust geymslu‐ og flutningsferli við útflutning. Hitastigsmælingar, skynmat, örveru‐  og efnafræðilegar mælingar voru notaðar til að setja fram gögn til að prófa og sannreyna QMRA/SLP líkönin og magngreiningu á Pseudomonas bakteríum með qPCR tækni.

The aim of the cod wet trials and the corresponding shelf life study was to include scenarios to test and demonstrate the functionality of some Chill‐on technologies in a simulated cod supply chain. Temperature fluctuations were induced according to the actual scenario in the supply chain of cod from Iceland to France via sea freight. The study included sample groups created at the point of processing after packaging in EPS boxes. The reference group was stored at Matís under superchilled conditions. Simulation trials for downward distribution were performed at Matís upon receipt of the pallets shipped to the Westman Isles from Reykjavik (Iceland‐Europe freight simulation) and compared with the reference group. Repackaging of loins in retail trays was performed on days 0 and 6 with storage under superchilled and chilled conditions, respectively. In addition, a pathogen challenge trial was performed by spiking loins (5 kg) with Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli and Salmonella Dublin, followed by storage in EPS boxes under temperature conditions simulating export and distribution. Temperature recordings along with microbial, chemical and sensory analyses from the groups evaluated provided necessary data to test and validate the QMRA/SLP models and the quantitative molecular (qPCR) method to estimate counts of pseudomonads.

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