
Silver Carp: Identification of utilization alternatives




Jónas Baldursson, Hildur Inga Sveinsdóttir, Jónas R. Viðarsson,

Styrkt af:

Íslenski Sjávarklasinn ehf.


Jónas Baldursson


This report provides initial identification of utilization alternatives for liver, viscera and swim bladders of silver carp harvested in the Illinois River. The report was contracted by Íslenski Sjávarklasinn as part of a larger consultancy work on utilization alternatives for carp in the Great lakes.

Mass balance and chemical analysis was made on samples of silver carp, from which suggestions for utilization alternatives were based on. The proportions of liver and viscera of the whole fish that was analyzed in this study was 2.5 ± 0.6% and 4.9 ± 1.5% with a fat content of 3.1% and 7.5% respectively.

The utilization alternatives identified include that the liver and viscera could be processed into fish meal and oil, or processed into fish silage. Fish meal and oil production is highly dependent on volume since the investment and production cost is most likely high and a better alternative would be to process all rest raw material originating from Asian carps in a specific location together to increase the capacity of the production. Producing fish silage has lower investment and production cost and can better preserve the rest raw material until further processing.

The swim bladder has an opportunity of being processed further into either dried swim bladder for human consumption or for collagen products used in the health industry. More studies on collagen yield from silver carps is needed to estimate what revenues can be achieved.

This report is to be considered as an initial identification of utilization alternatives. Further analysis is needed to determine the applicability of the alternatives identified.

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