
CRISP-FISH: Hraðvirk tegundagreining í fiski




Sæmundur Sveinsson, Guðbjörg Ólafsdóttir og Björn Þór Aðalsteinsson

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Sæmundur Sveinsson


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Authenticate: Workshop proceedings




Jónas R. Viðarsson, Guðbjörg Ólafsdóttir, Patrick Berg Sørdahl, Miguel Angel Pardo, Geir Dahle, Jakob Hemmer Hansen

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Nordic Council of Ministers - Working Group for Fisheries (127-2014)


Jónas Rúnar Viðarsson


Authenticate: Workshop proceedings

Growing societal demand for food authenticity, safety and broader food security is creating both new opportunities and increased challenges for Nordic food suppliers, manufacturers and retailers. The mislabelling of food products came to great prominence during the 2013 “horse meat scandal” in Europe, when a range of supposedly beef products were found to contain horse meat. What makes this discovery surprising is that it took place despite the clear set of European Union (EU) regulations relating to food traceability and labelling, which require a complex system of checks to ensure that food remains authentic and traceable. Research have shown that the seafood sector is particularly vulnerable when it comes to fraud, partly due to the fact that seafood is the world’s most international traded food commodity and because seafood has extreme biological diversity and variable characteristics that can create or hamper competitive advantage in marketing of products. Among the issues relevant for this discussion are species substitution, false claims of origin, social responsibility, sustainability, food safety and fair trade. A handful of Nordic institutes and companies came together few years ago to initiate networking among stakeholders in the Nordic seafood industry, with the aim of discussing the challenges and opportunities related to food integrity for the sector. As results a series of workshops were organised in Iceland, Norway and Denmark; and the outcome of these workshops were then discussed at a final workshop held in Faroe Islands on Nov. 14th 2017. This report contains the proceedings from that workshop.

Heilindi í viðskiptum með matvæli hafa verið mikið til umræðu á undanförnum árum og hefur sjávarútvegurinn ekki farið varhluta af þeirri umræðu. Rannsóknir hafa sýnt að hlutfall svika er sérstaklega hátt í viðskiptum með sjávarfang. Fjöldi rannsókna hafa til að mynda farið fram þar sem tegundasvindl hefur verið skoðað í þaula og hafa margar þeirra rannsókna sýnt að algengt hlutfall slíkar svika sé um 30%. Aðrar tegundir svika eru t.d. falskar yfirlýsingar um sjálfbærni, heilnæmi, upprunaland o.s.frv. Nokkrar Norrænar stofnanir og fyrirtæki komu saman 2014 og ákváðu að reyna að skapa umræðugrundvöll um heilindi í viðskiptum með sjávarfang. Þeim fannst augljóst að tækifæri lægju í samstarfi Norrænna þjóða á þessu sviði. Í kjölfarið voru haldnir vinnufundir á Íslandi, Noregi og Danmörku. Niðurstöður þeirra funda voru svo ræddar á lokafundi sem fram fór í Færeyjum 14 nóv. 2017. Þessi skýrsla inniheldur umfjöllun og fundargögn frá þeim fundi.

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