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Valorisation of Frozen Cod (Gadus morhua) Heads, Captured by Trawl and Longline by the Oceanic Fleet, by Enzymatic Hydrolysis


Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir



In the Norwegian oceanic fleet, whitefish onboard processing creates a great amount of rest raw materials. Cod heads are nutritious and a good source for production of high-quality marine peptides. Frozen cod heads, captured by trawl or longline, were evaluated based on the lightness and redness in the neck cut to compare the quality in heads from the different fishing gears. The heads were subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis. The hydrolysates have been chemically and sensory characterized. There was no significant difference in quality or chemical and sensory characteristics based on type of fishing gear. The resulting hydrolysates were of high quality, although moderately bitter. The study demonstrates that frozen cod heads from the oceanic fleet can be an excellent source of high-quality proteins for human consumption.


TOPCOD, OPTILAR / Lengi býr að fyrstu gerð. Kjöreldisferlar í lirfu‐ og seiðaeldi á þorski




Jónína Jóhannsdóttir, Agnar Steinarsson, Rannveig Björnsdóttir

Styrkt af:

Technology Development Fund and AVS R&D Fund of Ministry of Fisheries in Iceland

TOPCOD, OPTILAR / Lengi býr að fyrstu gerð. Kjöreldisferlar í lirfu‐ og seiðaeldi á þorski

Nýlegar rannsóknir hafa leitt í ljós að bestu aðstæður við framleiðslu lirfa gefi seiði af betri gæðum og að vaxtarforskot á fyrstu stigum eldisins skili sér að einhverju leiti á seinni vaxtarstigum. Meginmarkmið þessa verkefnis er að skilgreina bestu aðstæður við eldi þorsklirfa á Íslandi og nýta í því markmiði margvíslegar aðferðir við lausn helstu vandamála sem eru tengd framleiðslu þorsklirfa í dag. Þessi skýrsla fjallar um þá verkþætti sem Matís ohf. tók þátt í sem m.a. var að rannsaka áhrif auðgunar fóðurdýra með bætibakteríum og próteinmeltu á vöxt, þroska, ónæmisörvun og meltingarflóru lirfa svo og rannsóknir á áhrifum mismunandi frumfóðrunar á vöðvavöxt sem unnið var í samvinnu við Hafrannsóknastofnunina. Niðurstöður gefa vísbendingar um að byrjun þurrfóðurgjafar seint eða um 50 dph gefi ekki lirfum vaxtarforskot og að það sé nægilegt að fóðra með Artemiu þar til 40 dph. Þurrfóðurgjöf frá 30 dph leiddi til minni vaxtar og aukinnar tíðni byggingargalla. Auðgun fóðurdýra með frostþurrkaðri blöndu tveggja bætibakteríustofna hafði ekki áhrif á samsetningu bakteríuflóru lirfa og stofnar náðu ekki fótfestu í meðhöndluðum lirfum. Hinsvegar má gera ráð fyrir að léleg hrognagæði hafi haft áhrif á niðurstöður meðhöndlunar. Niðurstöður tilrauna staðfesta fyrri niðurstöður um jákvæð áhrif auðgunar fóðurdýra með próteinmeltu á afkomu og þroskun lirfa.  

Recent research has demonstrated that production optimization during the larval and juvenile phase will to some extent be reflected in the performance of the fish during the ongrowing phase. The objectives of the project are to optimise the larval production of Atlantic cod in Iceland by applying a multidisciplinary approach to solve central bottlenecks related to larval production. This report presents tasks where Matis ohf. was involved, including analyzes of the effects of live prey enrichment using putative probionts and a fish protein hydrolysate on larval survival quality immune stimulation and intestinal bacterial community of larvae. The study also involved an analysis of the effect of startfeeding protocols on muscle growth in collaboration with MRI. The results indicate that late weaning around 50 dph may be excessive and produce no significant advantage. An intermediate weaning strategy, with artemia feeding until 40 dph, appears to be sufficient to convey important advantages in terms of growth and anatomy. Early weaning on 30 dph produced slow‐growing juveniles and a higher deformity ratio. Using the freeze dried preparates of the probionts did not affect the bacterial community structure of larvae and the probionts were not found to be established within the bacterial community of treated larvae. Poor quality egg may, however, partly explain the lack of effects as a result of treatment. The present study confirms the results of previous studies where live prey enrichment using a fish peptide hydrolysate significantly improved larval survival and development. 

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