Review of evidence for the beneficial effect of fish consumption / Yfirlitsgrein um jákvæð áhrif fiskneyslu
Þessi skýrsla inniheldur yfirlit yfir helstu innihaldsefni í fiski sem talin eru hafa jákvæð áhrif á heilsu manna. Fjöldi heilsuþátta sem tengdir hafa verið við jákvæð áhrif fiskneyslu voru skoðaðir og metnir. Mesta áherslan var lögð á að skoða og meta innihaldsefni í fiski sem eru til staðar í hlutfallslega háum styrk og því líkleg til að hafa áhrif á heilsu s.s. langar fjölómettaðar omega‐3 fitusýrur, selen og D vítamín. Lögð var áhersla á að fara yfir og meta upplýsingar um jákvæð áhrif innihaldsefna í fiski á heilsu manna í nýlegum samantektarrannsóknum (en. meta‐analysis), yfirlitsgreinum og álitsgreinum sérfræðinga. Skýrslan var liður í Evrópuverkefninu QALIBRA eða “Quality of Life – Integarted Benefit and Risk Analysis. Webbased tool for assessing food safety and health benefits” eða QALIBRA ‐Heilsuvogin á íslensku.
The aim of this review is to facilitate policy makers, nutritionists and other interested parties of Western societies in judging claims regarding the health benefits of fish consumption. This review focuses on the main constituents in fish that have been associated with health benefits of fish consumption. A variety of human health endpoints that may be positively influenced by fish constituents are considered and evaluated. Most attention is given to the constituents in fish that are present at relatively high levels in fish and thus are likely to influence human health. These include omega‐3 fatty acids (omega‐3 FAs), selenium, and vitamin D. The scope of this review is broad rather than detailed concentrating on collation and evaluation of existing information about human benefits of fish consumption from meta‐analysis studies, reviews and expert opinions. This report was part of the work performed in the EU 6th Framework project “QALIBRA ‐ Quality of life – integrated benefit and risk analysis. Web – based tool for assessing food safety and health benefits”.