

Verið velkomin á rafrænu ráðstefnuna The Nordic Kitchen Manifesto


Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir


Rafræna ráðstefnan The Nordic Kitchen Manifesto: hvati að samræðum um sjálfbæra og heilbrigða matarmenningu til framtíðar fer fram þann 27. september næstkomandi.

Ráðstefnunni er ætlað að ýta af stað samræðum um norræna matarmenningu og mismunandi drifkrafta hennar til að stuðla að sjálfbærum lífsstíl. Það er kominn tími til að kanna hvernig Nordic Kitchen Manifesto getur verið vettvangur fyrir uppbyggilegar samræður milli mismunandi sjálfbærnissjónarmiða um réttlát matarkerfi á Norðurlöndunum.

Ráðstefnan fer fram á ensku og sænsku í gegnum Zoom 27. september 2021 frá kl. 9:00-12:00 að íslenskum tíma.

Opið er fyrir skráningar til 24.september. Smelltu hér til að skrá þig

Dagskrá The Nordic Kitchen Manifesto 27. september 2021:

12:00Opening of webinar – setting the Nordic table Bettina C. Lindfors, Moderator, Project Manager, New Nordic Food
12:05Why does sustainable food policy in a Nordic context matter? Jari Leppä, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland
12:15Sustainability at the core of Nordic cooperation – how to engage in change?          Thomas Blomqvist, Minister for Nordic cooperation and equality
12:25New Nordic Kitchen manifesto strengthens the Nordic as a sustainable gastronomic region – voices from the initiators of the manifesto with Chef Leif Sörensen, Faroe Islands & representatives of the younger generations of chefs and other key actors in the food systems about drivers for the future
Meeting the challenges and possibilities for Nordic collaboration within sustainability perspectives of food systems – inspirational talks:
12:45Sustainability perspective from Greenland by Anne Nivíka Grødem, Deputy Manager, Sermersooq Business and Cluster Manager & NERISA – an Arctic Food Cluster
12:55Sustainability perspective from Iceland by Ásta Kristín Sigurjónsdóttir, Manager, Icelandic Tourism Cluster
13:10Sustainability perspective from Denmark by Magnus Nilsson, Director, MAD Academy
13:25Sustainability perspective from Sweden by Elin Aronsson-Beis, Sustainability Consultant in food business, FoodLoopz & Paul Svensson, Chef, Developer of restaurant business
13:35Sustainability perspective from Finland Climate Food Programme, Hanna Mattila, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry & Robert Jordas, vertical gardener, Lilla Robbes Trädgård
13:50Sustainability perspective from Norway (tbc)
14:05Sustainability perspective from Faroe Islands by Elisabeth Skarðhamar Olsen, Lecturer, University of Faroe Islands
14:20Sustainability perspective from Åland Islands by Gustav Eriksson, Chef, Silverskär and Johanna Dahlgren, food & beverage entrepreneur, Pub Stallhagen, Chair of Artisan food entrepreneurs in Åland Islands
14:35Wrap up of inspirational talks in discussion with representatives of the younger generation of chefs and other key actors in food systems supported with a policy comment by Senior Adviser Katja Svensson, Nordic Council of Ministers
14:45Process of creating a constructive dialogue tool – common steps forward
15:00End of webinar

Verkefnastjóri viðburðarins, Bettina C. Lindfors veitir frekari upplýsingar um rafrænu ráðstefnuna og býður alla hjartanlega velkomna.

Bettina C. Lindfors
Project Manager, New Nordic Food 
Nordic Council of Ministers c/o Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland
+358 40 920 9810
Twitter: @BettinaLindfors