
Effect of temperature control on the efficiency of modified atmosphere packaging of cod loins in bulk




Hélène L. Lauzon, Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Magnea G. Karlsdóttir, Eyjólfur Reynisson, Björn Margeirsson, Emilía Martinsdóttir

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EU IP Chill‐on (contract FP6‐016333‐2)


Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir


Effect of temperature control on the efficiency of modified atmosphere packaging of cod loins in bulk

Markmið tilraunarinnar var að bera saman ferskleika, gæði og geymsluþol undirkældra (CBC) þorskhnakka við geymslu í lofti og í loftskiptum pakkningum (MAP) við stýrt hitastig til að líkja eftir hitasveiflum við flutninga og dreifingu á Evrópumarkaði. Fylgst var með breytingum á samsetningu gassins í pakkningunum og gert skynmat og örveru‐  og efnamælingar. Fiskurinn var veiddur í botnvörpu að vorlagi og unninn þremur dögum frá veiði. Tveggja daga lenging varð á ferskleikatímabili og eins dags á geymsluþoli fisks í loftskiptum pakkningum (2,7 kg í bakka) miðað við loft (3,1 kg) í frauðplasti þrátt fyrir að 0.5 °C munur hafi verið á meðalhitastigi hópanna og var lofthópurinn geymdur við lægra hitastig  (‐0.3 ± 0.9 °C). Mestu hitasveiflurnar leiddu til mestrar styttingar á ferskleika‐ tíma í loftskiptum pakkningum. Þorskhnakkar sem geymdir voru undirkældir við ‐1.1 ± 0.1 °C höfðu 13 daga geymsluþol. Niðurstöður örverutalninga og efnamælinga sýndu hversu mikilvæg Photobacterium phosphoreum er við TMA‐myndun í skemmdarferli þorskhnakka við geymslu bæði í lofti og loftskiptum pakkningum. MAP og undirkæling hægðu á og breyttu skemmdarferlinu. MAP jók drip um 2% á seinni stigum geymslunnar.

The aim of this study was to compare freshness, quality deterioration and shelf life of CBC (combined blast and contact)‐treated cod loins packaged in bulk under different atmospheres (air or modified atmosphere, MA) and stored under different temperature profiles to mimic temperature changes during transport and distribution to European markets. Sensory, chemical, microbial and headspace gas composition analyses were performed regularly. The fish was caught by trawler in the spring and processed 3 days post catch. Following simulation of current sea freight conditions and distribution to European markets, a 2‐day and 1‐day increase in freshness period and shelf life of MA‐packaged fish (2.7 kg in trays), respectively, was observed compared to air‐stored loins (3.1 kg in EPS boxes). This is despite a mean product temperature difference of 0.5 °C between the products, being lower (‐0.3 ± 0.9 °C) for air‐stored fish. Abusive conditions had the greatest impact on the reduction of the freshness period for MAP fish. Superchilled storage of MAP loins (‐1.1 ± 0.1 °C) resulted in a 13‐day shelf life. Evaluation of microbial and chemical indicators emphasised the importance of Photobacterium phosphoreum and TMA formation in the deterioration of cod loins stored in air or MA, while superchilled MAP storage delayed as well as modified the spoilage pattern. MAP increased drip loss by about 2% at late storage.

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