
Kynning á lokaverkefnum nemenda Sjávarútvegsskóla Háskóla Sameinuðu þjóðanna

Fimmtudaginn 5 mars hefjast kynningar á lokaverkefnum nemenda Sjávarútvegsskólans. Nemendur á gæðasérfræðilínunni kynna sín verkefni kl. 9:00 og nemendur á fiskistofnmats-sérfræðilínunni kl. 13:00. Kynningarnar á fimmtudaginn verða haldnar í fundarsalnum á 1 hæð, Skúlagötu 4.

Gert er ráð fyrir að hver nemandi fái 20 mín til að kynna verkefni sín, auk þess sem 5-10 mín eru leyfðar í fyrirspurnir eftir hverja kynningu.

Allir eru velkomnir.

Dagskráin er sem hér segir:

The fellows specializing in Quality Management of Fish Handling and Processing will present their projects on Thursday morning, 5th of March 2009, and those specializing in Stock Assessment will be in the afternoon the same day. Presentations in Reykjavik, will be in the main meeting room on the first floor. Fellows will give a 20 minute presentation, leaving 5-10 minutes for questions and discussion. The schedule is as follows:

Thursday 5th March – Quality Management of Fish Handling and Processing (PRESENTATIONS IN REYKJAVIK)

9:00-9:30  Mathew Ndasi Ngila  -Kenya
: Environmental study and monitoring of undesirable chemical substances in fish/seafood: A proposal for Lake Victoria, Kenya.
: Helga Gunnlaugsdottir and Sasan Rabieh, MATIS

9:30-10:00        Celina Anibal Malichocho  – Mozambique
: Effect of different temperature on growth of Vibrio Cholerae, total viable Microorganisms and Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) producing bacteria.
: Hannes Magnusson and Pall Steinthorsson, MATIS,

10:00-10:30        Ngo Van Sinh  -Vietnam
: Quality control in processing and distribution of Frozen Basa catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus)/fillet in Vietnam and compared to similar process in Iceland.
: Margeir Gissurarson, MATIS

10:30-10:40        Break

10:40-11:10        Fanuel Kapute  -Malawi
: Fish Quality and Processing in Malawi: Responding to challenges through institutional capacity building. (A case study of the Aquaculture and Fisheries Science Department, Bunda College of Agriculture, Malawi) 
Supervisor: Margeir Gissurarson, MATÍS.“

11:10-11:40    Qiancheng Zhao  – China
Project: Effect of Saithe protein isolate injection on the quality of Saithe (Pollachius virens) fillets during storage at chilling and frozen conditions. 
Supervisors: Kristin A. Thorarinsdottir, Irek Klonowski and Sigurjon Arason, MATIS

11:40-12:00    Won Sik An  -DPR Korea
t: Effective storage conditions on salted herring with cold brine based on domestic demand and current capacity of cold storage in DPR Korea. 
Supervisors: Kristin A. Thorarinsdottir, Asbjorn Jonsson and Irek Klonowski, MATIS

Thursday 5th of March – Stock Assessment (PRESENTATIONS IN REYKJAVIK)

13:00-13:30        Vida Samantha Osei  – Ghana
 Evaluation of the sampling scheme for Scomber japonicus in the inshore fishery in Ghana.
: Gudmundur Thordason, Marine Research Institute (MRI)

13:30:14:00        Thong Ba Nguyen   – Vietnam
: Assessment of demersal fishery resources of the Southeast and Southwest waters of Vietnam, based on bottom trawl surveys.
: Bjorn Aevar Steinarson, Marine Research Institute (MRI)

14:00-14:30        Maria Fiasoso Sapatu  – Samoa
: An Assessment of Samoa’s monitoring and resources of reef and lagoon associated finfish.
: Einar Hjörleifsson, Marine Research Institute (MRI)

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Sjávarútvegsskóli Háskóla Sameinuðu þjóðanna