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Development of the Nordic Bioeconomy

Höfundar: Lange, L., Björnsdóttir, B., Brandt, A., Hildén, K., Hreggviðsson, G.O., Jacobsen, B., Jessen, A., Karlsson, E.N., Lindedam, J., Mäkelä, M., Smáradóttir, S.E., Vang, J. & Wentzel, A.

Útgáfa: Nordic Council of Ministers

Útgáfuár: 2016


In 2014 NCM initiated a new project: “Test centers for green energy solutions – Biorefineries and Business needs” to strengthen Nordic bioeconomy by identifying potentials, obstacles, needs and opportunities. The Nordic bioeconomy has a unique profile: Upgrade of many types of residues also to higher value products; good collaboration between private and public sector; R&D efforts in all Nordic countries. However, shortcomings were also identified: few activities across Nordic countries beyond designated Nordic programs; too few upscaling facilities; need for improved framework conditions (within regulatory and market stimulus) for biobased products.  This report is part of the Nordic Prime Ministers’ green growth initiative: “The Nordic Region – leading in green growth” – read more in the web magazine “Green Growth the Nordic Way” at www.nordicway.org or at www.norden.org/greengrowth.

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