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Valorisation of Frozen Cod (Gadus morhua) Heads, Captured by Trawl and Longline by the Oceanic Fleet, by Enzymatic Hydrolysis


Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir



In the Norwegian oceanic fleet, whitefish onboard processing creates a great amount of rest raw materials. Cod heads are nutritious and a good source for production of high-quality marine peptides. Frozen cod heads, captured by trawl or longline, were evaluated based on the lightness and redness in the neck cut to compare the quality in heads from the different fishing gears. The heads were subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis. The hydrolysates have been chemically and sensory characterized. There was no significant difference in quality or chemical and sensory characteristics based on type of fishing gear. The resulting hydrolysates were of high quality, although moderately bitter. The study demonstrates that frozen cod heads from the oceanic fleet can be an excellent source of high-quality proteins for human consumption.


Hausana í land – áhrif reglugerðar 810/2011 á rekstur vinnsluskipa / Landing obligation on cod heads from factory vessels




Jónas R. Viðarsson, Gunnar Þórðarson

Styrkt af:

AVS rannsóknasjóður í sjávarútvegi (R 104-12)


Jónas Rúnar Viðarsson



Hausana í land – áhrif reglugerðar 810/2011 á rekstur vinnsluskipa / Landing obligation on cod heads from factory vessels

Við upphaf fiskveiðiársins 2012/13 gekk í gildi reglugerð sem skyldar vinnsluskip til að koma með að landi ákveðið hlutfall þorskhausa sem til falla við veiðar í íslenskri lögsögu. Reglugerðin kveður á um að stærstu vinnsluskipin komi með a.m.k. 40% hausanna í land og að meðalstór skip komi með a.m.k. 30% hausanna í land, en minnstu togararnir eru undanþegnir þessari reglugerð. Í þessari skýrslu er greint frá ástæðum þess að reglugerðin var sett og þeim markmiðum sem henni er ætlað að ná fram. Einnig eru áhrif reglugerðarinnar fyrstu tvö fiskveiðaárin sem hún hefur verið í gildi kannaðar m.t.t. áhrifa á aukið magn landaðra hausa og hvað árif það hafi haft á afkomu útgerðanna. Einnig er gert grein fyrir nokkrum mögulegum leiðum útgerðanna til að uppfylla skilyrði reglugerðarinnar. Í stuttu máli má segja að reglugerðin hafi haft mjög takmörkuð áhrif á magn landaðra hausa. Ástæða þess er að flest þau vinnsluskip sem hún nær til uppfylltu skilyrðin áður en hún gekk í gildi. Það eru aðallega minni frystitogarar sem ekki sjá sér fært að koma með hausa að landi, og þeir eru hvort eð er undanþegnir reglugerðinni. Möguleikar til aukinnar verðmætasköpunar með betri nýtingu þorskhausa eru nokkrir, en þar sem stærð, aldur, búnaður og almennt rekstrarumhverfi frystitogara er hamlandi þáttur, þá eru takmarkaðar líkur á að reglugerðin muni skila útgerðunum eða þjóðfélaginu í heild umtalsverðum arði.

On September 1st 2012 a regulation came into force that obligates Icelandic fishing vessels with on-board processing to bring a shore a certain proportion of cod heads that derive from catches within Icelandic waters. It requires the largest factory vessels to bring ashore at least 40% of cod heads, medium size trawlers are to bring ashore at least 30% of cod heads, but the smallest trawlers are exempted from the regulation, but majority of Icelandic factory vessels fall with in that category. The reasons why the regulation was set and its success after two years of implementation are reviewed in this report. The effects on volume of landed cod heads, associated costs and revenues, as well as available alternatives for vessel owners to meet with the requirements of the regulation are studied and discussed. The regulation has had limited effects on the volume of landed cod heads, as most factory vessels subjected to the regulation had already met with the requirements long before the regulation came into effect. It are primarily the smaller vessels that do not land significant volumes of cod heads, but they are excluded from the regulation anyhow. There are potentials for improved utilization of cod heads and cod head by-product on-board Icelandic factory vessels, but size, age, equipment and current operational environment for these vessels are limiting factors.

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