
Nordic Salmon: Value added processing in Nordic aquaculture




Sæmundur Elíasson, Unn Laksá, Audun Iversen, Christian Rohde og Gunnar Þórðarson

Styrkt af:

Nordic Council of Ministers - Working Group for Fisheries (AG-Fisk)


Sæmundur Elíasson


The workshop on value added processing of farmed fish in the Nordic explored options and assessed the feasibility of value added production in the region. It brought together 45 participants from various sectors, including salmon farms, sales and marketing, technical and processing equipment developers, research groups, and transport and freight companies. The project was supported by AG-Fisk and managed by a team of industry experts from Iceland, Norway, the Faroe Islands, and Denmark/Germany. The planning group then compiled a final report using a SWOT analysis to present the workshop’s main conclusions. Presentations from the workshop are accessible in the report appendix.

The SWOT analysis concluded that the main positive factors for the Nordic salmon industry include favourable farming conditions that can provide steady delivery and the ability to build a strong brand in terms of origin and identity. A major strength identified for secondary processing in the Nordic is the strong demand for high-quality, sustainably-produced salmon. Other strengths included the strict farming regulations to minimize environmental impact and improve animal welfare, as well as the potential for vertical integration to improve transparency and control over the entire production process. Specifically, for Iceland the access to renewable energy is a major strength.  Automation and technology access, with the use of water-jet robots to remove pinbones and automatic sorting, grading, and trimming providing opportunities for objective quality control and increased efficiency. Superchilling techniques were also identified as a potential advantage, allowing for longer shelf-life and a firmer product with less gaping. There were also opportunities for increased utilization of side products from salmon processing, as well as the potential for branded, value added products and better market segmentation.

The main negative factors included logistic and shelf-life limitations, unfavourable tariffs on trade, and high production costs compared to competitors. Major challenges identified specifically for Iceland are to maintain a steady, year-round supply of salmon and the distance to major retail chains. Logistics and transportation costs were also identified as important barriers for companies operating in Iceland and The Faroe Islands.

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Roadmap for the value chain of cod, salmon and char




Marvin Ingi Einarsson, Sigurjón Arason

Styrkt af:

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland

Roadmap for the value chain of cod, salmon and char

The objective of this work is to discuss Iceland’s fishing and fish farming industries and approach the challenges there are and report on what has been done to meet those challenges. The main focus of this work will be on creating roadmaps for the supply chain of cod and the supply chain of salmon and arctic char and identify the obstacles these industries have faced. From fishing/farming to the consumer. This roadmap will show how and where increased value can be made using real examples from Iceland, shed light on critical factors affecting the quality and highlight the obstacles hindering further growth and development.

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The effects of food container depth on the quality and yield of superchilled and iced Atlantic salmon / Áhrif dýptar matvælaumbúða á gæði og nýtingu ofurkælds og ísaðs eldislax




Rúnar Ingi Tryggvason, Magnea Karlsdóttir, Björn Margeirsson, Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir, Sigurjón Arason

Styrkt af:

AVS R&D Fund (R 17 016-17), Technology Development Fund (164698-1061), The Icelandic Student Innovation Fund (185693- 0091)


Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir


The effects of food container depth on the quality and yield of superchilled and iced Atlantic salmon / Áhrif dýptar matvælaumbúða á gæði og nýtingu ofurkælds og ísaðs eldislax

Markmið verkefnisins var að bera saman gæði eldislax, sem var annarsvegar ísaður og hinsvegar ofurkældur, og geymdur í mismunandi umbúðalausnum. Misstór einangruð ker (32, 42 og 60 cm djúp) og EPS kassar voru notuð til að flytja og geyma eldislaxinn. Gæði voru rannsökuð eftir 4, 10 og 14 daga geymslu við ofurkældar aðstæður, þar sem lagt var mat á vatnstap, áferð, suðunýtingu og skynmatsþætti. Vatnstap á ofurkældum laxi var marktækt meira í dýpri umbúðum miðað við grynnri umbúðir eftir 10 til 14 daga geymslu við -1 °C. Ísaður lax geymdur í EPS tapaði minna vatni heldur en ofurkældur lax í EPS, líklega vegna ónákvæmrar hitastýringar við ofurkælingu. Skynmat, áferðarmælingar og suðunýting sýndu lítinn mun á laxi sem geymdur var í misdjúpum umbúðum. Ísför voru sýnilegri í ísuðum laxi geymdum í djúpum kerum miðað við EPS kassa. Los var sýnilegra í ísuðum laxi miðað við ofurkældan lax. Niðurstöðurnar útiloka ekki notkun djúpra kera við flutning og geymslu á ferskum laxi, en tilgreina ekki hámarksstærð umbúða. Stærð og rúmmálsnýting umbúða hefur áhrif á vatnstap og flutningskostnað. Ofurkæling getur haft marga kosti fyrir framleiðendur og neytendur en nauðsynlegt er að hafa góða stýringu á ofurkælingunni til að tryggja virkni hennar.

The aim of the study was to compare quality differences of farmed Atlantic salmon, both iced and superchilled, that was stored in different sized packaging solutions. Different sized insulated containers (32, 42 and 60 cm deep) as well as EPS boxes were used to transport and store the fish. The quality was evaluated after 4, 10 and 14 days of storage, where drip loss, texture, cooking yield and sensory evaluation were performed. Increased container depth significantly increased the drip loss of superchilled salmon during 10 to 14 days storage at -1 °C. Iced storage of salmon in EPS resulted in less drip loss compared to superchilled salmon stored in EPS, most likely due to uncontrolled superchilling conditions. Sensory evaluation, texture analysis and cooking yield did not reveal any major differences between salmon stored in containers of different depths. In case of iced salmon, pressure marks were more prominent with increased depth of containers. Gaping was more noticeable in iced salmon compared to superchilled salmon. The results did not rule out the use of large insulated containers, but they do not specify the maximum recommended depth of containers intended for salmon packaging. The size and volume of packaging containers affect drip loss as well as transportation costs. Superchilling of fresh foods can have many benefits for producers and consumers but a controlled and optimised superchilling process is needed to ensure its effectiveness.

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Consumer’s evaluation of enriched seafood product concepts / Neytendakönnun á auðguðum sjávarréttum




Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Kyösti Pennanen, Raija‐Liisa Heiniö, Rósa Jónsdóttir, Emilía Martinsdóttir

Styrkt af:

Nordic Innovation


Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir


Consumer’s evaluation of enriched seafood product concepts / Neytendakönnun á auðguðum sjávarréttum

Samanborið við neytendur annars staðar á Vesturlöndum virðast neytendur í Evrópu heldur tortryggnir gagnvart auðgun matvæla og þó heilsufullyrðingar í matvælum beri skilaboð um heilsufarsleg áhrif, verða   þær ekki endilega til að gera vöruna meira aðlaðandi í augum neytandans. Því krefst þróun auðgaðra matvæla skilnings á kröfum neytanda. Gerð var netkönnun til að meta viðbrögð neytenda við vöruhugmyndum um sjávarrétti sem auðgaðir höfðu verið með omega‐3, fiskipróteinum og þörungum með mismunandi upplýsingum um möguleg áhrif og virknieiginleika. Íslenskir neytendur (n = 460) mátu hugmyndir um þorskafurðir og niðurstöðurnar sýndu að auðgun slíkra sjávarrétta var raunhæfur möguleiki, sérstaklega með omega‐3. Þó upplýsingar um auðgun hefðu fremur neikvæð áhrif á upplifun fólks af vöruhugmyndum, höfðu upplýsingar um innihaldsefni og heilsufarsleg áhrif af neyslu, jákvæð áhrif á upplifun fólks og líkur á því að kaupa viðkomandi vörur. Áhrif slíkra upplýsinga voru nokkuð meiri meðal þeirra neytenda sem lögðu meiri áherslu á heilsu og höfðu jákvæð viðhorf til markfæðis. Finnskir neytendur (n = 432) mátu hugmyndir um laxaafurðir og niðurstöðurnar sýndu að auðgun sjávarrétta með þara kom einna best út, sérstaklega þegar upplýsingar um minnkun saltinnihalds fylgdu með. Af niðurstöðunum má álykta að auðgun sjávarrétta sé sé raunhæfur kostur. Hinsvegar er mjög mikilvægt að huga að merkingum og upplýsingum til neytenda um slíkar vörur.

Compared to consumers elsewhere in the Western world, European consumers generally seem to be more suspicious towards enrichment of food. Although health claims in food products communicate the health effect, it does not necessarily make the products more appealing to consumers. Therefore, development of enriched foods requires understanding of consumers’ demands. The aim of this study was to measure consumer responses towards various concepts of enriched seafood products. Web‐based questionnaires were used to study Icelandic and Finnish consumer´s responses towards concepts of convenience seafood products enriched with omega‐3, fish proteins and seaweed extracts with different information about possible effects/functional properties. Icelandic consumers (n = 460) evaluated cod product concepts and the results showed that enrichment of convenience seafood was a realistic option, especially with omega‐3. Although information about enrichment had rather negative effects, information about ingredients and health effects positively affected product perception and buying intention. The effect of information was greater among consumers which placed higher emphasis on health and expressed more positive attitudes towards functional foods. Two sets of Finnish consumers (n = 432) evaluated nine salmon product concepts. The results showed that products enriched with seaweed received relatively the highest scores, especially when information about salt reduction was provided.   To conclude, enrichment of convenience seafood products with marine based ingredients is a realistic option. However, it is very important to consider labelling and information provided to the consumers.

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Kyngreining fiska




Dr. Sigurlaug Skírnisdóttir, Msc. Eiríkur Briem, Msc. Hlynur Sigurgíslason, Dr. Guðmundur Ó. Hreggviðsson, Dr. Sigríður Valgeirsdóttir, Dr. Jónas Jónasson, Dr. Sigríður Hjörleifsdóttir

Styrkt af:

Tækniþróunarsjóður (Rannsóknamiðstöðvar Íslands)


Sigurlaug Skírnisdóttir


Kyngreining fiska

Markmið verkefnisins var að finna kynbundinn mun á milli erfðaefnis hængs og hrygnu í laxi, lúðu og þorski. Þessar upplýsingar átti síðan að nota til að þróa kyngreiningarpróf fyrir þessar fisktegundir. Útbúin voru genasöfn fyrir hæng og hrygnu fyrir tegundirnar þrjár með frádráttarpörun. Raðirnar sem fengust í genasafninu voru raðgreindar, þreifarar útbúnir eftir þeim og þær síðan settar á örflögur. Síðan voru flögurnar þáttaparaðar við erfðaefni við hænga og hrygnur og bindingin metin fyrir kynin. Í verkefninu fólst mikið tæknilegt og markaðslegt nýnæmi þar sem raðað var saman hátækniaðferðum úr sameindaerfðafræði og upplýsingatækni til að leysa fyrirliggjandi markaðslegt vandamál í kyngreiningu í fiskeldi. Áhættan í verkefninu fólst í því hvort nægilegur kynjamunur sé í erfðamengi þessara fiska til að greina hann með flögugreiningum. Þetta verkefni var mikil áskorun og þótt lokamarkmiðið hafi ekki náðs þá gekk það upp hvað varðar aðferðafræðina og mikilla niðurstaðna var aflað. Verkefnið var því mikilvægt fyrir þroska og aðferðaþróun innan fyrirtækjanna Stofnfisks, Matís-Prokaria og Nimblegen Systems á Íslandi.

The goal of the project was to develop a sex determination method for the three fish species, cod, salmon and halibut. Gene libraries for female and male fishes were produced for the three fish species by using the subtraction hybridization method from whole genomic DNA. Probes were designed for all the sequences obtained and the probes were put on microarrays. The microarrays were hybridized with DNA from both male and female fishes and the difference scored. The risk of the project was to determine if there is enough gene difference between the sexes of these three fish species to be analyzed by using microarrays. The project did not reveal sex determination genes, but this assignment was a big challenge for the three companies Stofnfiskur, Matís-Prokaria and Nimblegen Systems. Many new methods and technical solutions were solved during the project and a large set of results were built up. The project was an important part of the fast growing and development of the companies.

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