Örverufræði, Erfðatækni, Lífefni
- Þróun CRISPR-Cas kerfa til erfðabreytinga hitakærra örvera sem nýttar eru til grunn- og hagnýtra rannsókna
- Leit og þróun nýrra ensíma sem nýta má til framleiðslu verðmætra ein- og fásykra úr þangi og þara
- Ný ensím og ensím-ferlar úr sjávarörverum til vinnslu þang-lífmassa
Schultze-Jena, R.C. Vroon, A.K.A. Macleod, Hreggvidsson, G.Ó., Adalsteinsson, B.T., N.P.E. Engelen-Smit, T. de Vrije, M.A.W. Budde, H. van der Wal, A.M. López-Contreras, M.A. Boon. 2022. Production of acetone, butanol, and ethanol by fermentation of Saccharina latissima: Cultivation, enzymatic hydrolysis, inhibitor removal, and fermentation. Algal Research, Volume 62.
Correra R.M., Ollitrault D., Valente M., Mazzola A., Adalsteinsson B.T., et al (2018) The parentally imprinted gene Pw1/Peg3 regulates skeletal muscle growth, satellite cell metabolic state, and self-renewal. Scientific Reports, 8:14649.
Ito M., Sferruzzi-Perri A.N., Edwards C.A., Adalsteinsson B.T., et al (2015) A trans-homologue interaction between reciprocally imprinted miR-127 and Rtl1 regulates placenta development. Development 142:2425-30.
Adalsteinsson B.T. and Ferguson-Smith A.C. (2014) Epigenetic control of the genome – Lessons from genomic imprinting. Genes 5:635-55.
Adalsteinsson B.T., et al (2012) Heterogeneity in white blood cells has potential to confound DNA methylation measurements. PLoS ONE 7:e46705.
Book chapters:
Adalsteinsson B.T., Hreggvidsson G.O. Geothermal Habitats and Adaptations of Thermophilic Microbes. In book: Thermophilic Anaerobes (pp.3-19). 2023.
Karlsson E.N., Sardari R.R.R., Ron E.Y.C., Bjornsdottir S.H., Adalsteinsson B.T., et al (2020) Metabolic engineering of thermophilic bacteria for production of biotechnologically interesting compounds. In Lee N.M. (Eds.). (2020). Biotechnological Applications of Extremophilic Microorganisms (pp. 73-96). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.