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Effect of in vitro digested cod liver oil of different quality on oxidative, proteomic and inflammatory responses in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and human monocyte-derived dendritic cells

Upon oxidation of the polyunsaturated fatty acids in fish oil, either before ingestion or, as recently shown, during the gastro-intestinal passage, a cascade of potentially cytotoxic peroxidation products, such as malondialdehyde and 4-hydroxy-2-hexenal, can form. In this study, we digested fresh and oxidised cod liver oils in vitro, monitored the levels of lipid peroxidation products and evaluated oxidative, proteomic and inflammatory responses to the two types of digests in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and human monocyte-derived dendritic cells.
Digests of cod liver oil with 22-53 µmol L(-1) malondialdehyde and 0.26-3.7 µmol L(-1) 4-hydroxy-2-hexenal increased intracellular oxidation and cell energy metabolic activity compared to a digested blank in yeast cells and the influence of digests on mitochondrial protein expression was more pronounced for oxidised cod liver oil than fresh cod liver oil. The four differentially expressed and identified proteins were related to energy metabolism and oxidative stress response. Maturation of dendritic cells was affected in the presence of digested fresh cod liver oil compared to the digested blank, measured as lower CD86 expression. The ratio of secreted cytokines, IL-12p40/IL-10, suggested a pro-inflammatory effect of the digested oils in relation to the blank (1.47-1.67 vs. 1.07).
Gastro-intestinal digestion of cod liver oil increases the amount of oxidation products and resulting digests affect oxidation in yeast and immunomodulation of dendritic cells.

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The ocean sampling day consortium

Ocean Sampling Day was initiated by the EU-funded Micro B3 (Marine Microbial Biodiversity, Bioinformatics, Biotechnology) project to obtain a snapshot of the marine microbial biodiversity and function of the world’s oceans. It is a simultaneous global mega-sequencing campaign aiming to generate the largest standardized microbial data set in a single day. This will be achievable only through the coordinated efforts of an Ocean Sampling Day Consortium, supportive partnerships and networks between sites. This commentary outlines the establishment, function and aims of the Consortium and describes our vision for a sustainable study of marine microbial communities and their embedded functional traits.

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Bioavailability of long-chain n-3 fatty acids from enriched meals and from microencapsulated powder

Despite the potential benefits of long-chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC n-3 PUFAs), intake is often low because of low consumption of oily seafood. Microencapsulated fish oil powder can improve tolerance and acceptance of LC n-3 PUFAs. Bioavailability is important to achieve efficacy. We investigated the bioavailability of LC n-3 PUFAs from microencapsulated powder in comparison with meals enriched with liquid fish oil.
Participants (N=99, age⩾50 years) of this 4-week double-blinded dietary intervention were randomized into three groups. Group 1 (n=38) received 1.5 g/d eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) as ready-to-eat meals enriched with liquid fish oil; group 2 (n=30) received the same amount of these LC n-3 PUFAs as microencapsulated fish oil powder and regular meals; and group 3 (n=31) was the control group, which received placebo powder and regular meals. Blood samples were taken from fingertips at baseline and at the end point.
Seventy-seven subjects (77.8%) completed the study. The amount of EPA in blood doubled in both groups that received LC n-3 PUFAs (P<0.05), but it did not change in the control group. The changes in DHA were less but still significant in both intervention groups. According to multivariate analysis, both intervention groups had higher end-point LC n-3 PUFA concentrations compared with placebo, but differences between intervention groups were not significant.
Bioavailability of LC n-3 PUFAs in encapsulated powder is very similar to the bioavailability of LC n-3 PUFAs in ready-to-eat meals enriched with liquid fish oil. Thus, encapsulated powder can be considered useful to increase LC n-3 PUFA concentrations in blood.

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Characterisation and antioxidant evaluation of Icelandic F. vesiculosus extracts in vitro and in fish-oil-enriched milk and mayonnaise

Bioactive compounds from Fucus vesiculosus were extracted and their antioxidant efficacy in fish-oil-enriched foods was evaluated. Water extract (WE) and ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) were obtained and characterised. Furthermore, WE and EAF were added to fish-oil-enriched milk or mayonnaise. Oxidation during storage was evaluated. EAF showed highest phenolic and pigment contents compared with WE. Antioxidant efficacy was found to be dependent on the concentration in the foods. Furthermore, high antioxidant activity in the foods was related to high radical scavenging, high or moderate metal chelating ability, as well as high phenolic and carotenoid contents.

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Enrichment of convenience seafood with omega-3 and seaweed extracts: Effect on lipid oxidation

The feasibility of enriching fish cakes with long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC-PUFAs) as a source of high quality lipids and seaweed extracts as a natural antioxidant was investigated. The LC-PUFAs were in the form of bulk cod liver oil and microencapsulated fish oil. The sensory quality and lipid oxidation were studied by means of chemical analysis, namely peroxide value (PV) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), and sensory evaluation (descriptive analysis), throughout 28-days of refrigerate storage. In addition near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy was assessed as a rapid tool to evaluate TBARS content. Omega-3 enriched samples showed slightly higher levels of lipid oxidation than the control samples but microencapsulation of fish oil seemed to protect PUFAs, leading to a lower content of peroxides and a lower rate of formation of secondary compounds during storage. Addition of seaweed extracts did not affect lipid oxidation nor the quality of the products as evaluated with descriptive analysis. No off-flavor was detected in any of the samples and low scores in rancid odor and flavor were registered.

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Ekki veiða það sem þú vilt ekki og fullnýttu það sem þú veiðir!

Upphafsfundur í íslenska hluta verkefnisins DiscardLess fór fram hjá Matís í sl. viku en verkefnið gengur út á að auka fullnýtingu á öllum afla sem veiddur er innan landa Evrópu og er stýrt af DTU í Danmörku. Upplýsingarnar og tæknin sem koma út úr verkefninu verða auk þess nýtanleg í öðrum löndum enda öllum til hagsbóta að sjávarfang sem ekki er óskað eftir eða ekki er nýtt sé annaðhvort ekki veitt eða fullnýtt til aukinnar verðmætasköpunar.

Stóra málið er að veiða ekki sjávarfang sem ekki er nýtt til verðmætasköpunar og þar með er hægt að minnka sóun á takmarkaðri auðlind. En stundum gerist það að óæskilegur afli er veiddur og er meðafli skýrt dæmi um slíkt. Því er mikilvægt að tryggt sé að slíkur afli sé nýttur eins og best verður á kosið. Auk þess má ekki gleyma að mikilvægt er að fullnýta einnig þann afla sem við viljum fá að landi þannig að sem mest verðmæti verði búin til úr hverju kg af sjávarfangi sem veitt er. Íslendingar hafa staðið sig sérstaklega vel í fullnýtingu ýmissa fisktegunda, þá sérstaklega þorsks.

Nánar um DiscardLess má finna í bæklingi um verkefnið sem og á CORDIS síðu verkefnisins. Tengiliður Matís við verkefnið er Jónas R. Viðarsson og veitir hann allar nánari upplýsingar um þetta áhugaverða og tímabæra verkefni.


Nýting minkafitu – Urðarköttur / Utilising minkfat – Urðarköttur




Sophie Jensen, Sæmundur Elíasson, Magnús Gíslasson, Hrund Ólafsdóttir, Ragnar Jóhannsson

Styrkt af:



Sophie Jensen



Nýting minkafitu – Urðarköttur / Utilising minkfat – Urðarköttur

Árlega falla til um 30-40 tonn af minkafitu við skinnverkun á Íslandi. Hingað til hefur fitan ekki verið nýtt en verið urðuð ásamt skrokkum dýranna með tilheyrandi kostnaði og umhverfisáhrifum. Til þess að gera íslenska minkarækt samkeppnishæfari og umhverfisvænni er mikilvægt að auka heildarnýtingu með því að nýta fituna og gera hana að eftirsóttri söluvöru rétt eins og skinnin. Meginhugmynd verkefnisins var að þróa vörulínu fyrir hesta og hestamenn þar sem uppistaðan er minkaolía unnin úr minkafitu frá íslenskum minnkabúum. Áhersla var lögð á þróun smyrsla úr minkaolíu og íslenskum lækningajurtum til meðhöndlunar á múkki en ætlunin er að framleiða sápur til þvotta á hestum og leðurfeiti fyrir reiðtygi og leðurfatnað. Upplýsingum um vinnslu á minkafitu og lækningajurtum í smyrsl og aðrar sambærilegar vörur, íblöndun, pökkun og geymslu var safnað. Öryggismat fór fram samkvæmt I. viðauka reglugerðar (EB) nr. 1223/2009 til þess að tryggja öryggi vörunnar. Einnig var unnið að gerð gæðahandbókar samkvæmt ÍST EN ISO 22716:2007. Hreinsunarferli var þróað og bætt til þess að auka gæði og endingartíma minkaolíunnar. Niðurstöður verkefnisins eru heildarvinnsluferill fyrir hreinsun á minkaolíu, upplýsingar um gæði og fitusýrusamsetning olíunnar, upplýsingar um plöntuútdrátt og grundvallarleiðbeiningar í smyrslagerð. Auk þess hefur verið lagt mat á öryggi vörunnar með mælingum á óæskilegum efnum ásamt samantekt á tilheyrandi öryggisskjölum eins og öryggisblöðum, vörulýsingaskrám og öryggisskýrslu. Einnig liggja fyrir drög að gæðahandbók Urðarkattar sem gerir framleiðanda kleift að framleiða vöru með fyrirfram skilgreindum eiginleikum ásamt tryggðum gæðum og stöðugleika vöru að hverju sinni.

Annually about 30-40 tons of mink fat is discarded in Iceland during mink skin harvesting. So far the fat has not been utilised properly, but the fat has been buried with the carcasses of the animals along with the associated costs and environmental impact. In order to make Icelandic mink farming more competitive and environmentally friendly it is important to increase the overall utilisation by refining and processing the mink fat and turn it into an attractive commodity, just like the skin. The main idea of the project was to develop a product line for horses and riders where the main ingredient is mink oil derived from mink fat from Icelandic mink farms. The focus was on developing ointments based on mink oil and local herbs to treat pastern dermatitis in horses but the intention is to produce soap for washing horses as well as products for leather treatment, e.g. saddlery and leather clothing. This report summarises the considerable amounts of data obtained regarding the processing of mink fat and medicinal herbs in ointments and similar products as well as additives, packaging and storage conditions. A safety evaluation was conducted in accordance with Annex I of Regulation (EC) no. 1223/2009 to ensure product safety. In this project work was performed to draft a quality manual according to ISO 22716:2007. A rendering process was developed and optimised to enhance the quality and shelf life of the mink oil. Results of the project was an overall production process for refining of mink oil and information on the quality and fatty acid composition of the oil, as well as information on plant extracts and basic guidelines in making ointments with medicinal herbs. In addition, product safety has been evaluated with measurements of undesirable substances and a summary of relevant safety documents, such as safety data sheets, product data records and a safety report. A framework for a quality manual in GMP (Good Manufacturing Procedures) for cosmetics has been established for Urðarköttur ehf., which enables the production of a product with well characterised properties and to ensure that the quality and stability of the product is the same at all times.

Skýrsla lokuð til 01.07.2017

Skoða skýrslu


Christian Patermann í Skagafirði

Dr. Christian Patermann er aftur á leið til Matís. Dr. Patermann er af mörgum álitinn „Faðir” lífhagkerfisins í Evrópu og mun hann m.a. taka þátt í fundi sem haldinn verður í Verinu á Sauðárkróki fimmtudaginn 28. maí kl. 16:00-17:15.

Eftir stuttar kynningar fara fram umræður. Meðal þátttakenda í panel eru Ásta Pálmadóttir, sveitarstjóri, Hólmfríður Sveinsdóttir framkvæmdastjóri Iceprotein og Friðrik Friðriksson formaður stjórnar Matís.

Allir velkomnir! Kaffi á könnunni!

Mætum öll og tökum þátt í umræðu um hvaða tækifæri felast í lífhagkerfinu fyrir Skagafjörð.

Nánari upplýsingar veita Guðrún Kristín Eiríksdóttir og Eva Kuttner.


Fiskbókin er opin

Búið er að opna Fiskbókina en bókin er fróðleikur um helstu nytjafiska, upplýsingar um veiði þeirra, s.s. veiðisvæði, á hvaða árstíma þeir veiðast og helstu veiðarfæri. Með þessari rafrænu útgáfu Fiskbókarinnar er mögulegt að koma á framfæri margvíslegum upplýsingum um fisk og fiskafurðir, fræðslu og rannsóknum sem þeim tengjast með mun skilvirkari og fjölbreyttari hætti en hægt er í prentaðri bók.

Fiskbókin er unnin í samstarfi við Íslandsstofu, Samtök fiskvinnslustöðva, nú samtök fyrirtækja í sjávarútvegi (SFS), og Iceland Seafood International með stuðningi AVS rannsóknasjóðs í sjávarútvegi.

Fiskbókin var opnuð í miðju erindi Matís starfsmanna um margföldun verðmæta til útflutnings að ráðherra sjávarútvegs og landbúnaðarmála viðstöddum á ráðstefnunni Matvælalandinu í sl. viku.

Fiskbókin er önnur í röð rafrænna bóka frá Matís en áður hafði Kjötbókin verið sett í loftið.

Bókin er öllum opin til frjálsra afnota, þó ber að geta upprunans ef upplýsingar úr bókinni eru nýttar í hverskyns annarskonar útgáfu.  Vistun bókarinnar er með þeim hætti að hægt er að prenta hana út í heild, valda kafla eða einstakar síður og nýta þær sem hluta af kynningarefni. Hver einstök síða er merkt upprunanum og er innihald hennar óbreytanlegt.

Nánari upplýsingar veitir Óli Þór Hilmarsson hjá Matís.


Heima er bezt – tækifæri í framleiðslu matar

Á morgun, miðvikudaginn 20. maí, verður ráðstefnu- og ráðgjafardagur að Hólmi á Mýrum. Dagskráin stendur frá kl. 11-14 en að lokinni dagskrá gefst áhugasömum kostur á einkaviðtali við sérfræðinga Matís um allt sem kemur að framleiðslu matar.

Dagskrána má finna á einblöðungi Heima er best.

Nánari upplýsingar veitir Nína Síbyl Birgisdóttir hjá Matís.