
LAURENTIC FORUM – tækifæri og áskoranir sjávarbyggða á norðurslóðum


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Dagana 2.-4. nóvember fer fram netráðstefnan LAURENTIC FORUM, en þetta er í þrettánda sinn sem ráðstefnan fer fram. Markmið ráðstefnunnar er að ræða tækifæri og áskoranir sjávarbyggða á norðurslóðum. Skiptist dagskráinn upp í tvo hluta þ.e. ferðaþjónusta (2. Nóv) og sjávarútvegur (3. & 4. Nóv).

Ráðstefnan fer fram á netinu og geta áhugasamir tekið þátt sér að kostnaðarlausu, en þörf er á að skrá sig á heimasíðu ráðstefnunnar þar sem einnig má nálgast dagskrána.

Dagskráin skiptist upp í fimm málstofur og í hverri þeirra eru kynningar frá fulltrúum Íslands, Noregs, Írlands og Nýfundnalands & Labrador. Málstofurnar og framsögumenn má sjá hér að neðan.

Session 1: Sustainable Tourism: Looking Forward

  • Minister Steve Crocker, Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts & Recreation, Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Councillor Jack Murray, Mayor of Donegal
  • Sigrid Engen, Researcher, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
  • Dale Jarvis, Executive Director of Heritage Newfoundland & Labrador
  • Johann Vidar Ivarsson, Project Manager at the Icelandic Tourist Board
  • Maurice Bergin Managing Director, (Ireland)
  • Margaret Story, TIDE Project Officer

Session 2: The value of the Blue Economy

  • Andrew Ward, Joint CEO of Inishowen Development Partnership
  • Charlie McConalogue, Irish Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine
  • Sunniva Løviknes, Troms and Finnmark County
  • Bente Olsen Husby, West – Finnmark Council
  • Iris Petten President, Port de Grave Historical Society, NL
  • Karl Bonar, Manager, Donegal Blue Economy Marine Cluster
  • Sveinn Agnarsson, Professor, University of Iceland School of Business

Session 3: The Engine That Does Not Stop: Changing Course Through Innovation & Technology

  • Paul Winger Director, Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Resources, Fisheries and Marine Institute ofMemorial University
  • Þór Sigfusson, Founder and Chairman of the Icelandic Ocean Cluster
  • Joanne Gaffney Aquaculture Technical Manager, BIM
  • Pål Arne Bjørn, IMR and Jo Inge Hesjevik Fisherman and Regional Political Representative

Session 4: The New Frontier: Sustainable Wealth & Health Through Blue Bioeconomy

  • Nils Kristian Sorkem Nilsen, Director Arctic, regional policy, state aid, North Norway EU Office, Brussels
  • Jón Þrándur Stefánsson, Ministry of Industries and Innovation (Department of fisheries), Iceland
  • Jón Garðar Steingrímsson,Cheif Operating Officer, Genis
  • Line Kjelstrup, Cluster Manager, BIOTEC NORTH
  • Jason Whooley, Chief Executive Officer, Bio-Marine Ingredients Ireland Ltd.
  • Heather Burke Director, Centre for Aquaculture and Seafood Development, Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University.

Session 5: The Whale in the Room: Climate Change

  • Jónas R. Viðarsson, Director of Division of Value Creation, Matís, Iceland
  • Glenn Nolan, Head of Oceanographic and Climate Services at the Marine Institute, Galway
  • Darrell Mullowney, Shellfish Research Scientist, Fisheries & Oceans, Canada.
  • Ragnhildur Friðriksdóttir, Matís, Iceland
  • Stein Arne Rånes Senior Policy Advisor for Troms and Finnmark County Council