Þróun á ABUNDA® sveppapróteini sem sjálfbært og heilnæmt innihaldsefni í matvæli

Heiti verkefnis: FungiTime

Samstarfsaðilar: AZTI (Coordinator), 3F BIO, Frito-Lay, Angulas Aguinaga and Angulas Aguinaga Research Center, Fraunhofer IVV, Matís.

Rannsóknasjóður: EIT Food

Upphafsár: 2020


Aðrir þjónustuflokkar


Rósa Jónsdóttir



Application of fungi protein in the development of sustainable and healthy food products.

Due to the world’s increasing population and the growing awareness of the food chain’s environmental impact, developing new food ingredients from alternative sources has emerged as a critical global challenge. In addition, the food industry remains focused on fulfilling consumer demand for products that meet or exceed their nutrition needs. Therefore, fungal biotechnology could become a driver for food ingredient production, especially for protein production that could accomplish both challenges via the development of healthy and sustainable food products.


The FUNGITIME project is developing food products that are manufactured using ABUNDA® mycoprotein. The food products are versatile and range from textured snacks and pasta to surrogate dairy products, fish-based products, and drinks. The aim is to develop foods with optimal nutri-physiological properties having high consumer acceptance.

Advantage of ABUNDA mycoprotein utilization:

  • High-quality and sustainable protein source
  • Low production costs
  • Expanded range of vegetarian and vegan products
  • Healthy food products
  • Intrinsic fiber structure


The potential beneficiaries are consumers (sustainable, ethical and healthy product availability), the Food Industry (new ingredient sources and new markets) and the environment (zero waste, fewer GHG emissions and deforestation).