The effect of different cooling techniques and temperature fluctuations on the storage life of cod fillets (Gadus morhua)
Tilgangur tilraunanna var að kanna tvo kælimiðla um borð í veiðiskipi, að nota mismunandi kælitækni við vinnslu, m.a. svonefnda CBC (combined blast and contact) kælingu og kanna áhrif hitastigssveiflna við geymslu í samanburði við stöðuga geymslu við -1 °C. Lítill munur var á örveru- og efnamælingum hvort sem notaður var plötuís eða vökvaís fyrir vinnslu en samkvæmt skynmati reyndist hópurinn sem var kældur með vökvaís hafa eins dags lengri ferskleikatíma og geymsluþol. Hitastig var yfirleitt aðeins hærra í hópnum þar sem plötuís var notaður fyrir vinnslu yfir geymslutímann. Samkvæmt skynmati, örverutalningum og efnamælingum reyndist CBC kæling best til lengingar á ferskleikatíma og geymsluþoli. Hitastig reyndist vera lægra í þeim hópum þar sem CBC kæling var notuð. Örverufjöldi var svipaður í þeim tveimur hópum þar sem CBC kæling var ekki notuð við vinnsluna (vökvakæling og engin kæling). Þessar niðurstöður voru í samræmi við niðurstöður skynmats. TMA gildi voru aðeins hærri á geymsludögum 12-19 í hópnum sem var vökvakældur. Niðurstöður hitastigsmælinga yfir geymslutímann voru svipaðar. Svipaður örverufjöldi reyndist vera í hópum sem geymdir voru við stöðugt hitastig (um -1 °C) annars vegar og í hópum þar sem hitastigssveiflum var beitt fyrri hluta geymslutímans hins vegar. Fyrstu 15 daga geymslunnar reyndust TVB-N og TMA gildi vera svipuð í hópunum. Þeir hópar sem geymdir voru við stöðugt hitastig fóru ekki í skynmat. Örverumælingar sem gerðar voru með hinni fljótvirku aðferð qPCR voru í góðu samræmi við ræktunaraðferðir m.t.t. til Pseudomonas spp. og Photobacterium phosphoreum.
The purpose of this experiment was to examine two different cooling methods on board fishing vessel, to apply different cooling techniques during processing at fish plant including the CBC (combined blast and contact) cooling and to compare storage of packed cod fillets kept either at steady temperature (-1 °C) or under temperature fluctuations. No marked difference was seen in microbial and chemical measurements whether plate ice or liquid ice was used prior to filleting but according to sensory analysis, the experimental group where liquid ice was used had one day extension in freshness and shelf life compared to the group with plate ice. Temperature was usually slightly higher in the plate ice group than the liquid ice group during storage. According to sensory, microbiological and chemical analysis, the CBC cooling clearly resulted in longer freshness period and shelf life extension in comparison to the two groups where this technique was not applied during processing. Temperature was lower in these groups during the storage period. Similar microbial counts were found between the two experimental groups where CBC was not applied during processing (liquid cooling and no cooling). These results were in agreement with results from sensory analysis. TMA values were however higher on storage days 12 to 19 in the group with liquid cooling. Temperature measurements during storage of these two groups were very similar. No marked difference was seen in microbial counts between groups that were stored at a constant temperature around -1 °C compared to groups where temperature fluctuations were used during early phases of storage. During the first 15 days of storage, TVB-N and TMA values were very similar for these groups. Sensory analysis was not done on the two groups kept at -1 °C. The rapid qPCR analysis was generally in good agreement with the cultivation methods for Pseudomonas spp. and Photobacterium phosphoreum.