
The effect of different cooling techniques on the quality changes and shelf life of whole cod (Gadus morhua)




Hannes Magnússon, Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir, Lárus Þorvaldsson, María Guðjónsdóttir, Hélène L. Lauzon, Eyjólfur Reynisson, Árni R. Rúnarsson, Sveinn H. Magnússon, Jónas R. Viðarsson, Sigurjón Arason, Emilía Martinsdóttir

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AVS R&D Fund of Ministry of Fisheries in Iceland, the Technology Development Fund at the Icelandic Centre for Research and EU (contract FP6-016333-2)


Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir


The effect of different cooling techniques on the quality changes and shelf life of whole cod (Gadus morhua)

Tilgangur tilraunarinnar var að kanna áhrif þriggja mismunandi kæliaðferða á geymsluþol heils, slægðs þorsks: (i) Kæling með muldum plötuís, (ii) kæling með vökvaís, (iii) forkæling með vökvaís og síðan kæling með muldum plötuís. Fylgst var með hitastigsferlum með hitanemum í öllum hópum yfir geymslutímann. Sýni voru metin með skynmats-, örveru- og efnamælingum þá 10 daga sem fiskurinn var í geymslu. Niðurstöður örveru- og efnamælinga voru yfirleitt í góðu samræmi við niðurstöður skynmats. Samanburður á tilraunahópum leiddi í ljós að þorskur kældur með vökvaís hafði um tveggja til þriggja daga skemmra geymsluþol en hinir tveir hóparnir. Geymsluþol þorsksins var töluvert styttra en ýmsar fyrri rannsóknir hafa sýnt og þá sérstaklega í hópnum sem var kældur með vökvaís (aðeins 9-10 dagar). Nú liggur fyrir að þorskurinn sem var kældur með vökvaís var vanísaður um borð í veiðiskipinu miðað við hina tvo hópana. Auk þess var kæling við geymslu eftir löndun ekki eins góð og æskileg gæti talist en hitastigið sveiflaðist á milli 2-5 °C. Þetta gæti mögulega skýrt skemmra geymsluþol allra hópa miðað við fyrri rannsóknir.

The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effect of three different cooling methods on the storage quality of whole, bled gutted cod: (i) Cooled with crushed plate ice, (ii) cooled with liquid ice, (iii) pre-cooled in liquid ice and then cooled with crushed plate ice. The temperature history of each group was studied using temperature loggers. The samples were analysed with sensory, microbiological and chemical methods for up to 10 days from catch. The results from microbial and chemical measurements were generally in good agreement with the results from sensory evaluation. Comparison of the groups showed that the use of liquid ice instead of plate ice resulted in two to three day shorter shelf life than in the other two groups. The shelf life in this study was considerably shorter compared to previous studies with whole cod, especially in the experimental group where liquid ice was used for cooling (only 9-10 days). It is now known that the liquid iced group in this experiment was insufficiently iced on board the fishing vessel compared to the other two groups. Additionally, the ambient temperature in the cold room of the fish plant was relatively high and fluctuated between 2 – 5 °C during the storage period. This could possibly explain the shorter shelf life of all groups compared to some earlier studies.

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