Growing fish consumption worldwide has driven fish processors to introduce innovative seafood products with extended shelf-life and desirable organoleptic properties. This study investigates the impact of freezing deep-skinned Atlantic mackerel fillets before and after smoking, prior to canning. Physicochemical and organoleptic properties of canned fillets were evaluated after 1 and 12 months of storage at room temperature. The formation of primary oxidation products (PV) was similar in both cases, while the secondary oxidation products (TBARS) were significantly lower when the fillets were smoked before freezing. PV and TBARS were significantly lower in all canned mackerel samples after prolonged canned storage compared to the shorter storage. However, lipid oxidation and hydrolysis were very limited after both treatments and, therefore, do not constitute an issue in these products. Results of product evaluation and instrumental texture analysis of canned mackerel indicated more beneficial characteristics (firmer fillets, nor mushy) when fillets were frozen first and then hot-smoked (FSC). Fillets that were smoked first and then frozen (SFC), irrespective of the canning storage time, were characterized by a mushy texture and appearance, which can negatively impact consumer acceptance. Therefore, freezing prior to hot-smoking may represent a better choice if the fillets are intended for canning.
Merki: Atlantic mackerel
The suitability of using sunflower and rapeseed oils, and water as media for the canning of smoked fillets from Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) caught during feeding migration was investigated. Physicochemical and sensory changes were evaluated after one month of storage at room temperature. The aqueous medium in the cans led to significantly higher water content and lower salt content than when sunflower or rapeseed oil was used, indicating that while additional water was absorbed by the fillets, salt was leached due to the cook-out effect during sterilization and storage. Using sunflower oil, regardless of the ratio, resulted in better retention of the traditional and desired smoky odour and -flavour, and preserved the juicy and tender texture of the fillets better than when rapeseed oil was used. Fillets canned in water exhibited a significantly lower salty flavour and fat-in-mouth attribute than those canned in vegetable oils. While there were only minor differences in the overall sensory parameters among treatments, the variation in salty flavour and fat-in-mouth feeling are crucial due to their significant impact on consumer acceptance. Therefore, using water as a medium is suggested as a favourable option for canning deep-skinned and smoked fillets from well-fed Atlantic mackerel.
Influence of seasonal variation and frozen storage temperature on the lipid stability of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus)
Áhrif geymsluhitastigs (-18 °C vs. 25 °C) og veiðitíma (ágúst vs. september) á niðurbrot fitu í Atlantshafs makríl veiddum við Íslandsstrendur voru skoðuð í þessu verkefni. Stöðugleiki fitunnar var metinn með því að mæla fyrstastigs (PV) og annarsstigs myndefni þránunar (TBARS), fríar fitusýrur (FFA) auk fitusýrusamsetningu. Niðurstöðurnar sýna marktækan mun í fituniðurbroti með langvarandi geymslu, þar sem niðurbrotið var marktækt minna þegar geymt var við – 25 °C samanborið við -18 °C. Auk þessa var fiskur veiddur í september með hærri þránunargildi samanborið við fisk frá ágúst. Aftur á móti var ensímatískst fituniðurbrot meira í águst en september. Niðurstöðurnar gáfu einnig til kynna að magn ómega-3 fjölómettaðra fitusýra var nokkuð stöðugt út geymslutímann. Með öðrum orðum þá sýndu niðurstöðurnar að hitastig í frostgeymslu hafði mikil áhrif á fituniðurbrot en stöðugleikinn var háður því hvenær fiskurinn var veiddur.
Lipid deterioration of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) caught in Icelandic waters was studied, as affected by different frozen storage temperatures (-18 °C vs. -25 °C) and seasonal variation (August vs. September). The lipid stability was investigated by analyses of hydroperoxide value (PV), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), free fatty acids, as well as changes in fatty acid composition. Results showed significant lipid deterioration with extended storage time, where the lower storage temperature showed significantly more protective effects. Furthermore, a higher lipid oxidation level was recorded for fish caught in September than in August, although lipid hydrolysis occurred to be greater for fish in August than in September. Moreover, results indicated a rather stable level of omega-3 fatty acid during the whole frozen storage period. The analysis indicated that both lipid oxidation and hydrolysis were affected by the frozen storage temperature and the stability differed with regards to season of catch.
Skoða skýrslu
Effect of salt content in slurry ice on quality of fresh and thawed Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus)
Markmið tilraunarinnar var að bæta aðferðir við kælingu og geymslu á ferskum afurðum í því skyni að bæta gæði frystra makrílafurða. Samanburður var gerður á kælingu í hefðbundnum ískrapa og saltbættum ískrapa. Með því að bæta salti í ískrapann var vonast til að lækka mætti hitastig fersks makríls og viðhalda þannig gæðum hans lengur. Ferski makríllinn var geymdur í allt að sjö daga frá veiðum. Annað markmið rannsóknarinnar var að kanna hvort þessu mismunandi kæling á ferskum makríl hefur áhrif á gæðarýrnun frystra makrílafurða. Niðurstöðurnar sýndu að hitastigdreifing í kerunum var í samhengi við saltstyrk þar sem lægra hitastig fékkst í keri með hærra saltinnihaldi (3,3%). Aftur á móti hafði frostgeymslan mun meiri á áhrif á gæðaþætti eins of ferskleika og los makrílafurðanna samanborið við áhrif forkælingar, þar sem áhrif mismunandi saltstyrks í ískrapanum var hverfandi m.t.t. þessara gæðaþátta.
The present experiment is part of the research project – Increased value of mackerel through systematic chilling. The aim of this study was to improve methods of chilling and storing of fresh products in order to obtain better quality of frozen mackerel products. This project was carried out to develop slurry ice mixture with addition of extra salt, with the intention of temperature decrease during chill storage up to seven days after catch. Secondary objective of this research was to investigate if different chilling condition of fresh fish has an effect on the quality assignment of long-term frozen mackerel products. The results showed that temperature distribution in the tubs was correlated to the salt concentration where lower temperature was obtained in the tub with higher salt content (3.3%). Furthermore, freshness, gaping and peritoneum deterioration have been affected by the storage process but not by different salt concentration in slurry ice during chilled storage. Due to high quality variation within the same group of the mackerel is needed to conduct more methods for quality evaluation such as oxidation analysis and sensory analysis.
Skoða skýrslu
Seasonal and geographical variation in chemical composition and lipid stability of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) caught in Icelandic waters
Á þeim tíma sem makríll er við íslandsstrendur er hann í miklu æti sem veldur því að hann snögg fitnar með þeim afleiðingum að holdið verður mjög viðkvæmt fyrir meðhöndlun. Í þessari rannsókn var makríll sem var veiddur sumarvertíðarnar 2012 og 2013 (júlí, ágúst, september) og frá mismunandi veiðisvæðum (austur, norðaustur, suður og suðaustur) skoðaður. Til þess að meta á hversu vel hráefnið hentar til vinnslu á hágæðaafurðum til manneldis, var makríllinn mældur m.t.t. vatns- og fituinnihalds, fitusýrusamsetningar, litar, þránunar og frírra fitusýra. Almennt var makríllinn sem safnað var sumarið 2012 af betri gæðum en makríll frá 2013. Niðurstöðurnar gáfu einnig til kynna breytileika á milli veiðimánaða m.t.t. fituinnihalds og framgang þránunar. Makríll sem var veiddur um miðbik vertíðarinnar hafði lægsta þránunargildið, sem gefur til kynna að sá makríll hentar best fyrir vinnslu á hágæðaafurðum til manneldis.
Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) appears in Icelandic waters during its heavy feeding period, resulting in variation in mackerel products quality. Fish caught at different season during the summers of 2012 and 2013 (July, August, September) and at different sites of the Icelandic fishing area (East, Northeast, South and Southeast) were analysed. Measurements of lipid and water content, fatty acid composition, colour changes, lipid hydroperoxide (PV), thiobarbituric reactive substances (TBARS) and free fatty acid (FFA) were studied with the aim of investigating whether this raw material was suitable for the production of high quality products for human consumption. In general, samples collected during the summer of 2012 showed a better condition than fish from 2013. The results indicated seasonal variation in lipid content and rancidity development. The lowest rancidity values were observed in the middle of the Icelandic catching season, indicating that this raw material was best suited for production of high quality products. Moreover, geographical variation of the mackerel catches had an impact on the saturation of the fatty acids, and appeared as follows: East > Southeast > Northeast > South.