
Næringargildi geitaafurða – Kjöt og mjólk




Ólafur Reykdal, Óli Þór Hilmarsson, Svanhildur Hauksdóttir

Styrkt af:

Framleiðnisjóður landbúnaðarins


Ólafur Reykdal


Næringargildi geitaafurða – Kjöt og mjólk

This report on the nutrient content of goat meat and goat milk is a part of the project “Added value and special status of goat products”. The project is supported by the Agricultural Productivity Fund and carried out at Matis in cooperation with the Association of Goat Farmers in Iceland. Goat carcasses were cut into legs, loin, forequarters and flanks. Proportions of meat, bones and waste were determined. On the average meat was 66% of the carcasses, bones 31% and waste 3%. The meat was analysed for proximates. The protein content was high (21% protein for meat from the whole carcass). Fat content was generally low (4-24%). Goat milk was sampled from spring until autumn 2018. Each milk sample was collected from composite milk from 3-57 animals. Fat content was on the average 3,9%, protein 3,7% and lactose 3,9%. The contents of polyunsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids were higher than in Icelandic cow milk. The results should be valuable for promotion of goat products, work on nutrient declarations and product development.

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Afurðir íslenskra geita – Möguleikar og sérstaða




Ólafur Reykdal

Styrkt af:

Framleiðnisjóður landbúnaðarins


Ólafur Reykdal


Afurðir íslenskra geita – Möguleikar og sérstaða

Verkefnið „Aukið virði og sérstaða geitfjárafurða“ er styrkt af Framleiðnisjóði landbúnaðarins og er unnið á Matís í samstarfi við Geitfjárræktarfélag Íslands. Gerð var greining á styrkleikum, veikleikum, ógnunum og tækifærum í geitfjárræktinni. Íslenski geitastofninn er lítill og er í útrýmingarhættu. Því þarf að fjölga í stofninum til að hann haldi velli. Besta ráðið í þessari baráttu er að finna sem flesta notkunarmöguleika fyrir afurðir geitanna. Um fjölmargar athyglisverðar afurðir er að ræða, mjólkurafurðir, kjötafurðir, stökur (gærur), skinn, garn o.fl. Geiturnar sjálfar gefa fjölmörg tækifæri í ferðaþjónustu og tískuvörugeirinn getur unnið úr afurðum geita. Fjölmargar heimildir um gæði og hollustu geitamjólkur og geitakjöts voru kannaðar og eru niðurstöður teknar saman í skýrslunni. Geitamjólk er að ýmsu leyti frábrugðin kúamjólk þótt sömu meginefnin séu í báðum mjólkurtegundum. Geitamjólk inniheldur heilsueflandi efni eins og lífvirk peptíð og konjúgeraða línolsýru. Geitakjöt er mjög magurt og er með próteinríkasta kjöti. Það inniheldur konjúgeraða línolsýru eins og mjólkin. Loks er gefið yfirlit um mögulegar afurðir úr geitamjólk og geitakjöti.

The project “Added value and special status of goat products” is supported by the Agricultural Productivity Fund and carried out at Matis in cooperation with the Association of Goat Farmers in Iceland. SWOT analysis of goat farming in Iceland was carried out. The Icelandic goat stock is small, and extinction is a possibility. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the number of goats in the country. The best solution is to use to stock and increase the production of goat products. Many different products can be produced. The goats and their products are of interest to tourists. The fashion industry can use some of the goat products. A literature review was carried out on quality and wholesomeness of goat milk and goat meat. Results are listed in the report. Goat milk is different from cow milk although the same nutrients are found in both milk types. Goat milk contains health promoting compounds, e.g. bioactive peptides and conjugated linoleic acid. Goat meat contains little fat and is rich in protein. It contains conjugated linoleic acid as the milk. Finally, the possible goat products from milk and meat are revied.

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