
Modeling of Temperature Changes, Energy Usage and Quality Changes During Automatic Box Freezing of Mackerel




Hagalín Ásgrímur Guðmundsson, Björn Margeirsson, Sigurjón Arason

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AVS research fund (F12 014‐12 and R12 040‐12), “Atvinnusköpun í sjávarbyggðum” research fund.


Sigurjón Arason


Modeling of Temperature Changes, Energy Usage and Quality Changes During Automatic Box Freezing of Mackerel

Í ágúst 2012 í Tvøroyri í Færeyjum fór fram rannsókn á framleiðslulínu hjá Varðin Pelagic, sem kemur m.a. frá Skaganum hf. á Akranesi. Markmiðið var að bera saman kassaplötufrystiaðferð Skagans við hefðbundna blástursfrystingu með tilliti til orkunotkunar, hitastigs og afurðagæða. Nýtni kassaplötufrysta var metin með tíma‐ og hitamælingum, hermunum á fiskhita gegnum vinnslulínuna og gæðamati á mismunandi stöðum í vinnslunni.

In August 2012 a trip was made to Tvøroyri, Faraoe Islands to measure and analyze Vardin Pelagic’s new production line by Skaginn among others. The goal was to compare the automatic box freezing method to the commonly used blast freezing method in terms of energy usage, temperature and product quality. The efficiency of the automatic box freezer was evaluated by mapping the processing time and ambient temperature effects, simulating the product temperature in the production line and performing quality assessment throughout the production line.

Skýrsla lokuð til 1. apríl 2017

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