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Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Chemometrics for Effective Online Quality Monitoring and Process Control during Pelagic Fishmeal and Oil Processing

Near-infrared spectroscopy has become a common quality assessment tool for fishmeal products during the last two decades. However, to date it has not been used for active online quality monitoring during fishmeal processing. Our aim was to investigate whether NIR spectroscopy, in combination with multivariate chemometrics, could actively predict the changes in the main chemical quality parameters of pelagic fishmeal and oil during processing, with an emphasis on lipid quality changes. Results indicated that partial least square regression (PLSR) models from the NIR data effectively predicted proximate composition changes during processing (with coefficients of determination of an independent test set at 𝑅2𝐶𝑉RCV2 = 0.9938, RMSECV = 2.41 for water; 𝑅2𝐶𝑉RCV2 = 0.9773, RMSECV = 3.94 for lipids; and 𝑅2𝐶𝑉RCV2 = 0.9356, RMSECV = 5.58 for FFDM) and were successful in distinguishing between fatty acids according to their level of saturation (SFA (𝑅2𝐶𝑉=0.9928, 𝑅𝑀𝑆𝐸𝐶𝑉=0.24)RCV2=0.9928, RMSECV=0.24), MUFA (𝑅2𝐶𝑉=0.8291, 𝑅𝑀𝑆𝐸𝐶𝑉=1.49)RCV2=0.8291, RMSECV=1.49), PUFA (𝑅2𝐶𝑉=0.8588, 𝑅𝑀𝑆𝐸𝐶𝑉=2.11)RCV2=0.8588, RMSECV=2.11)). This technique also allowed the prediction of phospholipids (PL 𝑅2𝐶𝑉=0.8617, 𝑅𝑀𝑆𝐸𝐶𝑉=0.11RCV2=0.8617, RMSECV=0.11, and DHA (𝑅2𝐶𝑉=0.8785, 𝑅𝑀𝑆𝐸𝐶𝑉=0.89) RCV2=0.8785, RMSECV=0.89)  and EPA content 𝑅2𝐶𝑉=0.8689, 𝑅𝑀𝑆𝐸𝐶𝑉=0.62)RCV2=0.8689, RMSECV=0.62) throughout processing. NIR spectroscopy in combination with chemometrics is, thus, a powerful quality assessment tool that can be applied for active online quality monitoring and processing control during fishmeal and oil processing.


Ný tækni til verðmætaaukningar á bolfiskafla




Gunnar Þórðarson, Sigurjón Arason

Styrkt af:

AVS Rannsóknasjóður í sjávarútvegi (R 025-11), Rannís


Gunnar Þórðarson



Ný tækni til verðmætaaukningar á bolfiskafla

Tilgangur verkefnisins var að aðlaga vinnslu að ofurkældu hráefni, til að tryggja einsleitni hráefnis með það að markmiði að bæta afurðargæði, auka nýtingu og lágmarka flakagalla. Í verkefninu var ný tegund af roðflettivél þróuð og síðan prófuð við raunaðstæður. Gerður samanburður á ofurkældu og hefðbundnu (ísuðu) hráefni. Ofurkælt hráefni er stífara en hefðbundið, og sama má segja um flök sem kæld eru eftir flökun til að tryggja pökkun í ferskar pakkningar við lágt hitastig, helst undir 0 °C. Hefðbundnar roðflettivélar hafa illa ráðið við slíkt hráefni en nýja vélin hefur þegar verið tekin í notkun og reynist vel. Samanburðartilraun var framkvæmd á milli ofurkældrar ýsu sem var sex daga gömul og hefðbundins hráefnis úr sama afla. Í framhaldi var gerð samanburðarrannsókn á þorsk, úr ofurkældu og hefðbundnu hráefni. Borin var saman nýting, flakagæði og -gallar ásamt afurðarskiptingu eftir niðurskurð í flakabita, ásamt því að skráðir voru hitaferlar við vinnslu í báðum hópum. Niðurstöðurnar voru mjög góðar fyrir ofurkælt hráefni, bæði hvað varðar gæði, nýtingu og hitastig á afurðum.

The purpose of the project was to customize processing of sub-chilled raw materials to ensure uniformity of raw materials with the aim of improving product quality, increasing utilization and minimizing fillet defects. A new skinning machine for demersal fish was designed and tested in this project, especially to work with sub-chilled raw material. Sub-chilled raw material is more rigid than traditional raw material and can withstand more handling and give better quality of the finished product. Sub-chilled raw material also provides lower product temperature in packed fresh fish production, at 0 °C or even below it. Traditional skinning machines have not been able to handle sub-chilled fillets. A comparative experiment with six-day old haddock where sub-chilled raw material were compared with traditional one, from same catch, were processed. Built on that outcome a follow-up, a comparative study of cod was processed with sub-chilled and traditional raw material. In both experiments a comparison of yield, fillets quality, fillets defects and temperature throughout the production into final packaging were recorded. The results were excellent in favour of sub-chilled raw material, both in terms of quality, yield and temperature of products.

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Modeling of Temperature Changes, Energy Usage and Quality Changes During Automatic Box Freezing of Mackerel




Hagalín Ásgrímur Guðmundsson, Björn Margeirsson, Sigurjón Arason

Styrkt af:

AVS research fund (F12 014‐12 and R12 040‐12), “Atvinnusköpun í sjávarbyggðum” research fund.


Sigurjón Arason



Modeling of Temperature Changes, Energy Usage and Quality Changes During Automatic Box Freezing of Mackerel

Í ágúst 2012 í Tvøroyri í Færeyjum fór fram rannsókn á framleiðslulínu hjá Varðin Pelagic, sem kemur m.a. frá Skaganum hf. á Akranesi. Markmiðið var að bera saman kassaplötufrystiaðferð Skagans við hefðbundna blástursfrystingu með tilliti til orkunotkunar, hitastigs og afurðagæða. Nýtni kassaplötufrysta var metin með tíma‐ og hitamælingum, hermunum á fiskhita gegnum vinnslulínuna og gæðamati á mismunandi stöðum í vinnslunni.

In August 2012 a trip was made to Tvøroyri, Faraoe Islands to measure and analyze Vardin Pelagic’s new production line by Skaginn among others. The goal was to compare the automatic box freezing method to the commonly used blast freezing method in terms of energy usage, temperature and product quality. The efficiency of the automatic box freezer was evaluated by mapping the processing time and ambient temperature effects, simulating the product temperature in the production line and performing quality assessment throughout the production line.

Skýrsla lokuð til 1. apríl 2017

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