
Nordic information and communication network regarding safety of seafood products. Final Report




Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir, Björn Auðunsson

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NSK (strategi-reserveren), NEF(Nordisk Embedsmans komité for fiskeripolitik), IFL

Nordic information and communication network regarding safety of seafood products. Final Report

Þessi skýrsla er lokaskýrsla í verkefninu Nordic information and communication network regarding safety of seafood products, sem hófst árið 2005 og lauk formlega í árslok 2006. Í verkefninu var þróuð sameignleg Norræn vefsíða ( þar sem safnað er saman á einum stað viðeigandi krækjum sem innihalda upplýsingar um efnainnihald sjávarafurða, bæði óæskileg efni og einnig næringarefni. Ísland (fyrst Rannsóknastofnun fiskiðnaðarins og síðan Matís ohf) sá um að þróa vefsíðuna og sér um að viðhalda henni en hvert land ber ábyrgð á sínum upplýsingum og á uppfærslu þeirra. Verkefninu lauk formlega í árslok 2006, en þá var nýbúið að færa vefsíðuna í nýtt vefumsjónarkerfi, Eplica, sem einfaldar alla umsjón með vefnum og auðveldar ennfremur gestum að finna það efni sem leitað er að á honum. Vonast er til að þessar muni gera það kleift að halda vefnum “lifandi” áfram með lítilli fyrirhöfn og kostnaði.

This report is the final report in a Nordic project called “Nordic information and communication network regarding safety of seafood products and utilization of the resources from the sea”. The report contains a summary of the activities in the projects after the 2nd workshop in the project, which was held in Copenhagen, Denmark on April 21st 2006 until the project formally ended at the end of 2006. During this period the website was transferred into a new web content management system called Eplica product suite, which makes administering much easier than in the earlier version and accessing the website much more user-friendly. This was done in accordance with agreements reached at the workshop in Copenhagen. Although the project has formally ended, it is hoped that the website will continue to live for some time to come, as a common database or co-ordination of information and reporting of chemical substances, i.e. nutrients and undesirable substances in seafood. Furthermore, it was hoped that the project would be a cornerstone for further networking and innovative transnational research with the participation of scientists in the Nordic countries and EU.

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