Seaweed is becoming a popular food source due to its high nutritional content, but may also contain potentially toxic elements (PTEs). This study investigates trends in PTEs in several species of seaweed collected in Iceland, and variations between thallus section, location, and season. As (3.8-265 mg kg-1), Cd (0.06-18 mg kg-1) and U (0.03-1.9 mg kg-1) were highest in Phaeophyta collected in February, whilst certain Chlorophyta contained the highest levels of Pb (0.02-1.8 mg kg-1) and Fe (25-13607 mg kg-1). Samples contained high levels of essential trace elements but elevated levels of Cd – 19 samples exceeded the maximum level (3 mg kg-1) in food supplements. As levels were also high where over half of samples exceeded the 40 mg kg-1 ML for As in seaweed-derived animal feed. Certain species grown in Iceland may be prone to high levels of Cd and not be suitable for consumption in large quantities.
Merki: PCA
Breytileiki á eiginleikum lýsu (Merlangius merlangus) eftir árstíma / Seasonal variations in quality‐ and processing properties of whiting
Markmið verkefnisins var að byggja upp ákveðinn þekkingargrunn fyrir lýsu (Merlangius merlangus) og fá upplýsingar um breytileika á gæða‐ og vinnslueiginleikum (efna‐ og eðliseiginleikar) hennar eftir árstíma. Til samanburðar voru notaðar upplýsingar um ýsu. Niðurstöður leiddu í ljós að flakanýting (vinnslunýting) tengdist holdafari þar sem jákvæð fylgni var á milli flakanýtingar og holdafarsstuðuls og var hún áberandi hæst í mars mánuði. Á sama tíma var minna los í fisknum samanborið við aðra árstíma. Niðurstöður verkefnisins virðast benda til þess að ekki sé heppilegt að veiða lýsuna í kringum hrygningartímann, eða á miðju sumri, með tilliti til vinnslu‐, eðliseiginleika og annarra gæðaeiginleika.
The aim of the project was to study seasonal variation in quality‐ and processing properties of whiting (Merlangius merlangus). Haddock was used as a reference group. The results showed positive correlation between fillet yield and condition factor, with highest value in mars. At the same time gaping was minor. The results indicated that during spawning time it is not suitable to catch whiting with regards to processing‐ and quality properties.