
Hitastigsbreytingar við vinnslu, flutning og geymslu á frosinni síld / Temperature profiles during processing, transportation and storage of frozen herring products




Magnea Karlsdóttir, Finnur Jónasson, Ásbjörn Jónsson, Sigurjón Arason

Styrkt af:

AVS R&D Fund


Sigurjón Arason


Hitastigsbreytingar við vinnslu, flutning og geymslu á frosinni síld / Temperature profiles during processing, transportation and storage of frozen herring products

The main objective of the project was to maximize the qualiry and value of herring products. Quality and stability of frocen herring products seasonally and impact of pre-cooling, freezing and storage condition were explored. The results will not only lead to a less decrease in quality due to storage and transportation, but also increase understanding on connection between product defect and their influence on the raw material from catch to market.

The results showed thar frozen herring products didn‘t get enough cooling through the process, from production to export, and in some cases the variation was too much. The freezing planti n Iceland was good, and all the pallets was kept at right temperature. The problem is, when they were taken out of the freezing storage in Iceland, the cooling was not sufficient, which was necessary to maintain low temperature. It is difficult to prevent heat stress when exporting frozen product.

The results of the project indicated that the temprature in freezing trawls was stable during the sailing. Also the results indicated that it is a need for improvements in the freezing plant in Poland, where the temperature in freezing storage is higher compared to Iceland. Transportation in containers was much better than in freezing trawlers, but much more expensive.

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Improved reefer container for fresh fish / Endurbættur kæligámur fyrir ferskfisk – LOKASKÝRSLA




Sæmundur Elíasson, Björn Margeirsson, Sigurjón Arason

Styrkt af:

AVS rannsóknasjóður í sjávarútvegi, AVS‐Ref.No.: R11 093‐11


Sæmundur Elíasson


Improved reefer container for fresh fish / Endurbættur kæligámur fyrir ferskfisk – LOKASKÝRSLA

Meginmarkmið verkefnisins Endurbættur kæligámur fyrir ferskfisk var að endurbæta kæligáma og verklag við flutninga á ferskum sjávarafurðum með endurhönnun og prófunum. Markmiðið er að hönnunarúrbætur skili kæligámum sem ná jafnara hitastigi gegnum flutningaferlið. Leitast skyldi við að ná viðunandi endurbótum á kæligámum sem í dag er notast við með einföldum og kostnaðarlitlum aðgerðum. Afleiðingar bættrar hitastýringar í vinnslu‐ og flutningaferlum eru aukin gæði, stöðugleiki og öryggi, sem auka um leið verðmæti vörunnar. Samstarfsaðilar í verkefninu voru Matís, Háskóli Íslands, Eimskip Ísland og Samherji. Í þessari skýrslu er helstu niðurstöðum og afurðum verkefnisins lýst. Niðurstöður verkefnisins leiddu í ljós að þörf er á endurbótum í sjóflutningskeðjum og sýnt var fram á að hægt er að ná fram úrbótum með einföldum og kostnaðarlitlum aðgerðum. Hitastýringu við sjóflutninga má bæta með því að velja markhitastig og kæligáma sem hæfa best til flutninga ferskra fiskafurða. Kortlagning á hitadreifingu kæligáma sýndi fram á breytileika bæði í flutningsferlinu og með tilliti til staðsetningar innan gámsins en hönnunarúrbætur sem miðuðu að því að þvinga loftflæði innan gámsins skiluðu jafnari hitadreifingu. Einnig var sýnt fram á mikilvægi verklags við hleðslu kæligáma og meðhöndlun þeirra frá framleiðanda til kaupanda.

The purpose of the project Improved reefer container for fresh fish is to use simple redesign and experimental testing to improve temperature control in reefer containers and work procedures of fresh fish products during transport. The design improvements are aimed at producing a reefer with more stable temperature through sea freight and transport. The aim is to get satisfactory improvements with simple and cost effective procedures. Improved temperature control in fish chill chains leads to increased product quality, stability and safety and thereby increased product value. The project was done in collaboration with Matís, University of Iceland, Eimskip Ísland and Samherji. This report describes the main results and products of the project. The results of the project showed that there is room for improvement in sea transport cold chains and with design improvements experiments it was demonstrated that they can be improved with simple and cost effective procedures. The results showed that the temperature control during sea freight may also be improved by selecting the reefer types most suitable for fresh fish transport and selecting different set point temperatures during summer and winter. The mappings of temperature distribution inside the reefers showed spatiotemporal variability and design improvements achieved a more uniform distribution by means of forced air circulation. Field tests demonstrated the importance of correct operating procedures during loading of reefers and their handling from processor to end location.

Skoða skýrslu


Optimised Chilling Protocols for Fresh Fish




Björn Margeirsson, Hélène L. Lauzon, Lárus Þorvaldsson, Sveinn Víkingur Árnason, Sigurjón Arason, Kristín Líf Valtýsdóttir, Emilía Martinsdóttir

Styrkt af:

AVS R&D Fund of Ministry of Fisheries in Iceland, the Technology Development Fund at the Icelandic Centre for Research, University of Iceland Research Fund and EU (contract FP6-016333-2)


Sigurjón Arason


Optimised Chilling Protocols for Fresh Fish

Leiðbeiningar um kælingu á ferskum fiski  lýsa áhrifamestu kæliaðferðum á öllum stigum kælikeðjunnar með  áherslu á hvítan fisk. Lýst er hvernig eigi að besta kælingu og viðhalda hitastigi til þess að hámarka gæði og öryggi afurða og minnka kostnað og orkunotkun. Í skýrslunni eru bakgrunnsupplýsingar fyrir leiðbeiningar i upplýsingaveituna Kæligátt á heimasíðu Matís sem settar eru fram á notendavænan hátt   á íslensku og ensku Leiðbeiningarnar eru ætlaðar fyrir sjómenn, framleiðendur, flutningsaðila og aðra aðila virðiskeðjunnar. Leiðbeiningarnar byggja á rannsóknum sem framkvæmdar hafa verið innan rannsóknaverkefna eins og Chill‐on, Hermun kæliferla og Kælibótar.  Helstu kaflar fjalla um kælingu um borð, í vinnslu, við pökkun, flutning og geymslu á fiski.

The overall aim of the optimised chilling protocols is to describe the most effective chilling methods for any stage in the food supply chain with emphasis on whitefish. This comprises optimisation of the whole chain for lowering and maintaining low temperature with the aim of maximising quality and safety of the products and minimising costs and energy use. This report is the background for the protocols and guidelines published with open access at Matís website in Icelandic and English in a user‐friendly way: These are protocols to follow aimed for the use of fishermen, manufacturers, transporters and other stakeholders in the fisheries chain. The information is divided into subchapters of different links in the chain. How to chill fish on‐board, during processing, packaging, transport and    storage are the main chapters.

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