SAFE Consortium

SAFE Consortium

The SAFE consortium maintains an office in Brussels, but most of the activities of the consortium are carried out and co-ordinated by the office staff, the SAFE Executive Board and the SAFE members from their home locations. Dr. Hronn Olina Jorundsdottir, director at Matís, is the Secretary General at SAFE.

The main tasks of the consortium co-ordinated by the SAFE Office:

  • Develop science-based position papers for European and national food safety authorities referring to food safety issues of general importance
  • Strengthen scientists' ability to form, maintain and work in suitable networks and to profit from opportunities offered by these networks, eg developing common initiatives in food safety sciences
  • Organize scientific congresses, conferences, seminars and workshops, participate in events organized by others, and exchange food safety research systems' knowledge among interested parties
  • Develop and promote interdisciplinary research projects and partnerships in the Framework Programs of the European Commission, national governments and food authorities
  • Provide assistance in partner search, in the organization of the projects and in writing management paragraphs
  • Maintain an effective interaction with representatives of the European and national research administration, and the European Food Safety authorities
  • Provide information of general interest about SAFE and about programs and opportunities to its members on a regular basis

SAFE Office Staff:

  • Dr. Hrönn Ólína Jörundsdóttir, Secretary General
  • Dr. Katherine Flynn, Scientific Secretary