
Open for Emblu Award nominations

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The Emblu Prize is a Nordic food prize, but this time it will be presented at Harpa in Reykjavík on 1 June in connection with the Nordic Chefs' Congress. The prize is intended to increase visibility and raise public interest in the Nordic food tradition and food produced in the Nordic countries. The Emblem Prize is awarded every two years and was first presented in Copenhagen in 2017. The prize is awarded by a Nordic farmers' organization with the support of the Nordic Council of Ministers.

Nominations were launched in early March on the website but the deadline for registering nominations is 31 March next. Nominations are collected in all the Nordic countries, but everyone can nominate a representative from their own country. Participation is free. A three-member jury in each country decides who will be nominated as each country's representative.

There are seven award categories for the Emblu Prize:

Nordic raw material producer 2019
The prize will be awarded to a farmer, fisherman, hunter, collector, etc. which stands for high quality ingredients. Who uses his cultural and natural roots in the Nordic countries and who himself produces, fishes or collects the raw material.

Nordic Food Entrepreneur 2019
Provided to an individual, company or organization that has developed a new approach with broad appeal and marketing potential and that is often based on old traditions.

Nordic Food Craftsman 2019
The prize will be awarded to a food craftsman who has developed a unique quality product based on Nordic ingredients and methods.

Food journalist / Dissemination of food 2019
Awarded to an individual, narrator, medium or publication who carries the fame of Nordic food culture.

Nordic Award for Food for Many 2019
Awarded to a person or organization who has done a lot of work to increase the quality and promote Nordic food culture in public meals.

Nordic food destination 2019
Provided to an organization, institution or community that has united raw material producers, restaurants and others involved in promoting a particular place through food culture, collaboration and collaboration.

Nordic Prize for Food for Children and Young People 2019
The prize will be awarded to an individual or organization that has developed an idea or ideology that significantly contributes to increasing the knowledge and skills of future generations regarding Nordic food and food culture.

You can register participants in Embla until March 31st. Registration is simple and quick on the website There you can also learn more about the prizes and their origins.