
Coastal equipment 2019

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The Strandbúnaður 2019 conference will take place on 21 and 22 March at the Grand Hotel Reykjavík, which is the largest annual forum for all those who work in coastal equipment.

Below is a list of the conference seminars:

  • Main currents in coastal equipment: Opportunities for growth
  • Processing, transport and marketing of farmed fish
  • Challenges and opportunities in shellfish farming in Iceland
  • Technological development - Land farming (purchased presentation)
  • Technological development - Hafeldi (purchased presentation)
  • Environmental and safety issues in aquaculture
  • Developments in aquaculture
  • Progress in salmon farming
  • Algae cultivation in Iceland - Opportunities in the future or today's industry?
  • Salmon Farming in the North Atlantic
  • Algae Culture Extension Short-course

Jón Árnason, project manager at Matís, will give a talk at the seminar Main currents in coastal equipment: Opportunities for growth entitled Development of aquaculture feed. There he explains the development of feed for farmed fish in the northern hemisphere, with special emphasis on feed for salmon. New raw materials that could provide sufficient feed for the predictable growth that will be needed in aquaculture to meet the increased protein needs of the world in the future will also be discussed.

Sigurjón Arason from Matís will take part in the seminar Processing, transport and marketing of farmed fish. His talk is entitled Processing for death solidification where he points out the importance of everything that affects product quality. The final quality of products depends, among other things, on how the fish goes in and through death control. It will be discussed what is known about these effects and how the process can be managed to achieve the best results. Among other things, the handling of fish and it also matters which product is to be produced, for example whether it is fillets or whole, gutted fish.

The program can be found here.