
The food factory in Höfn

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A new agreement has been reached on the continuation of the collaboration between Matís and the Municipality of Hornafjörður. It includes a collaboration on the operation of Matarsmiðja Sveitarfélagsins Hornafjarðar and Matís - Matarsmiðjan - development and teaching in connection with small food production.

Matís has handed over to the municipality of Hornafjörður the equipment that was in the food factory and the municipality has taken over the operation of Matarsmiðjan which has been moved by Álaleira to a building by Höfnin at Heppuvegur 6. The house is owned by Sláturfélag Búi, but it is considered more suitable for the operation. 

The purpose of the new agreement is:

  • Increased innovation and operability in the processing and sale of food.
  • To ensure that small producers and entrepreneurs have access to a food factory, which enables them to develop and produce food in adequate housing and with appropriate equipment.
  • To increase work capacity and innovation in food processing and sales.
  • To promote food crafts in Iceland.
  • To offer domestic and foreign partners to use the facilities at Höfn in their projects.
  • Strengthen the knowledge of small producers in the area through education and courses.

The municipality has also agreed with Nýheimar Þekkingasetur on the management of orders, etc., but orders and requests for the use of Matarsmiðjan should be sent to the e-mail address

Matís aims for continued collaboration with entrepreneurs and stakeholders within the municipality of Hornafjörður on new terms, as stated in the agreement recently signed by Oddur Már Gunnarsson, acting CEO of Matís and Matthildur Ásmundardóttir, Mayor of the Municipality of Hornafjörður.