
Animation on the first day of the Farmers' Market!

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The first opening day of Bændamarkaður in Pakkhúsið in Hofsós was on Saturday 30 June. This is a pilot project run by Matís, in collaboration with farmers and producers in Skagafjörður and the National Museum of Iceland, but Pakkhúsið is a cultural-historical building from around 1777 and belongs to the National Museum's Museum.

The market was very well attended and there was a great atmosphere throughout the opening hours, but an accordionist was present and played Icelandic songs.

Ten Skagafjörður farmers and producers sold their products on the market and there were various items on offer, including lamb, beef, goat meat, dug and smoked meat, sigin fish, dried fish, shark, Skagafjörður honey, chicken eggs, duck eggs, green chicken eggs, cereal eggs, spiced chicken eggs summer flowers, cut roses and crafts. The market will be open this summer on advertised Saturdays at 13-16, with an emphasis on products directly from farmers and producers in Skagafjörður.

The next market will be held next Saturday, July 14, at 13-16. The product range will be similar to before, but in addition new products can be expected, such as fresh rhubarb, fresh fish, Skagafjörður ointments and more, in addition to which Veitingastaðurinn Sólvík, opposite Pakkhúsið, will sell beer from Siglufjörður's neighbors on the occasion of the market. .

Further information about Bændamarkaður Hofsós and opening hours is available on the market's Facebook page ( Hofsós Farmers' Market ) and on Matís' Facebook page ( MatisIceland )