
Meals after hospital discharge - nutritional treatment to prevent malnutrition of the elderly

Service Category:



Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir

Project Manager

Malnutrition of the elderly is a well-known problem. The average length of stay in hospital is short, which means that there is not always time to correct the nutritional status of elderly patients. It is therefore important to provide nutritional treatment after graduation, in order to prevent the consequences of malnutrition on health and skills.

The project "Meals after hospital discharge" has just started and is divided into, on the one hand, the development of dishes for the elderly with chewing and swallowing difficulties and, on the other hand, intervention, where information will be obtained about nutrition and nutritional status of the elderly in homes. The results of the intervention component of the project can provide information on the changes that may need to take place with regard to the discharge of elderly people and guidelines on services for this vulnerable group.

Matís' partners in the project are the University of Iceland, Grímur Kokkur, but in addition, Sláturfélag Suðurlands and Mjólkursamsalan are involved in the project.

The project is funded by the Rannís Research Fund.