
The Association of Research Directors in Iceland and Rannís held an educational meeting at Matís today

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Anna Kristín Daníelsdóttir

Deputy CEO / Director of Research & Innovation

The Association of Research Directors in Iceland and Rannís held an educational meeting with Gill Wells, Head of the European and Policy Office of the Oxford University Research Service, today at Matís' headquarters.

The meeting discussed how to prepare an application for an individual grant ("Getting started and applying for an MSCA IF") in the Marie Sklodovska Curie Fund, but the material was specially set up for new doctors and others who are interested in Marie Curie individual grants.

An ERC workshop was also held for researchers interested in applying for grants from the European Research Council (ERC) and assisting with such applications.

Finally, "Impact and Commercialization" was explored.

Matís would like to thank the Association of Research Directors in Iceland and Rannís for this useful educational meeting. 

Learn more about Gill Wells and Oxford University Research Services

Gill Wells Head of European Team and Strategic Lead on GCRF | Research Services University of Oxford University Offices, Wellington Square T: +44 01865 289800 F: +44 01865 289801 E: