
Hospitable on Vínlandsleið

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Matís' activities seem to be attracting increasing attention, a by-product of that success is the increased number of visitors to Matís. Domestic and foreign parties knock on the door and would like to get to know Matís better.

Matís has been hospitable for the last few days on Vínlandsleið 12. Matís recently got its chairman and managing director Industry Association in a visit to him. Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís, received Guðrún Hafsteinsdóttir and Almar Guðmundsson. After a presentation of the company's operations, they discussed the results of a successful collaboration over the past ten years and further possibilities for continued collaboration to strengthen the Icelandic economy.

Then a Danish guest came to the yard when seven people from Thisted Municipality in Jutland looked in on Matís. The Danes came to Iceland in the hope that the wealth of ideas and innovation in the Icelandic fisheries sector in recent decades could inspire them to do good deeds in the area of influence in Hanstholm harbor. In addition to Matís, the Danish guests visited Vísi in Grindavík at least.

Finally came Faroese Business Envoy with Matís together with the Minister of Employment and Foreign Affairs of the Faroe Islands last week. In connection with the visit, the development of Matís' co-operation with Faroese parties over the past decade was reviewed, as well as an explanation of the opportunities inherent in the sustainable use of marine resources for increased value creation, improved food security and improved public health. Arnljótur B. Bergsson introduced Matís' operations to the Faroe Islands.