
Shortened to Strandbúnað 2017

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The conference Strandbúnaður 2017 will be held at the Grand Hotel on 13 and 14 March. . The purpose is to promote professional and informative discussion of coastal equipment and thus support the education, research, development and policy-making of the industries that utilize land and / or sea quality along the coast of the country

The conference will focus on the importance of education for a growing industry. One of eight seminars of the conference is called Education in Strandbúnaður. After all, knowledge and skills are among the most important basic factors that need to be considered and can be utilized in the development of new industries.

Coastal equipment is an industry that grows and thrives by utilizing the knowledge of numerous disciplines. It is important that knowledge is disseminated in an efficient manner to the business community and society so that its utilization is as good as possible. The education of individuals for a variety of jobs related to coastal equipment is the key to increasing the industry's competitiveness. The seminar will present the supply of education in coastal equipment in Iceland, the industry's wishes for its further development will be discussed, as well as individuals' expectations and attitudes towards learning and the working environment. 

Lectures at the seminar on education in Strandbúnaður come from ArnarlaxiKeynaturaArctic FishHólar UniversityThe University of Akureyri and University Center of the Westfjords. These parties are considered highly qualified to discuss the status and future vision of education in aquaculture, the interplay between education and the development of coastal equipment and the role of education in aquaculture in strengthening coastal communities. 

In other areas of Strandbúnaður, there are some examples of particularly interesting topics. The cultivation of mussels and especially the wholesomeness of Icelandic mussels is something that is worth highlighting. Algae cultivation and utilization of algae and especially with regard to processing and product development possibilities. The discussion on the future of salmon farming will cover the role of feed production and feed development with regard to the environment.

Interested parties are encouraged to register for the conference here.