
In virtual reality, science becomes even more fun

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In recent weeks, Matís has worked with Skotta Film on the production of a virtual reality video about the bioeconomy. The bioeconomy is a concept that few people know, so it was ideal to explain the concept in a new and interesting way that could impress as many people as possible, especially the younger generation. We are extremely proud of this video and aim to produce more such videos in the coming weeks and months. The videos can be found at Youtube channel Matís and you can drag the video if the virtual reality glasses are not present.

Why a bioeconomy? What is a bioeconomy?

Few people know what is meant by the word bioeconomy and many are therefore of limited interest in the subject. Here is a concept that should be important to all Icelanders because the nation, like other western nations, is relying on non-recyclable resources, not least in food production. It is important to look at these things from a different perspective and try our best to implement a way of thinking that promotes the utilization of resources that can be reused. The bioeconomy is in fact a concept that encompasses everything that nature has to offer; from what man can do and is capable of doing to microbes becoming the basis of all future plastic production!

Will we drink water in the future from plastic bottles produced by bacteria ……… 🙂

Clear and concise: A bioeconomy is an economy based on the exploitation of living resources on land and at sea, where efforts are made to maximize benefits without depleting the resources.
This year marks the end of the three-year Icelandic Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers, which began in 2014 when Iceland held the Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers. On that occasion, a conference is convened in Harpa, where there is a unique opportunity to learn about the bioeconomy and the NordBio projects, hear about international trends and trends in this field and discuss what the future should look like.

The conference takes place in Harpa and in addition to lectures, poster exhibitions, virtual reality video exhibitions, guests are given the opportunity to taste products that have been produced from the Nordic region's bioeconomy; Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Iceland, for example.

See more about the conference.

Matís virtual reality videos