
Investigate the Icelandic Christmas tree

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Today, Friday 7 October, Árný Ingveldur Brynjarsdóttir holds her master's defense in resource studies. The defense starts at 11:00 and will be in room M-201 in Sólborg, but the aim of the project was, among other things, to determine the extraction method and measure the bioactivity in the Icelandic Christmas tree.

Master defense in the resources department

Árný's project is entitled "Seasonal and In-Plant Variation in Composition and Bioactivity of Northern Dock (Rumex longifolius DC.) Extracts “. The aim of the project was to determine the extraction method and measure the bioactivity in the Icelandic Christmas tree and to examine whether there was a foothold for the properties that traditional

Icelandic naturopathy. Two different extraction methods were examined, three extraction fluids (methanol, ethanol and water), different plant parts (roots, leaves and seeds), different processing methods (fresh, freeze-dried and air-dried) and three different harvest times (June, July and August) and measured antioxidants. anti-inflammatory properties show.

Rumex Longifolius Njóli | Rumex Longifolius.

Most of the work took place at the University of Akureyri, but measurements were partly carried out in collaboration with Matís' specialists. Árny graduated with a B.Sc. degree in biotechnology from the Department of Natural Resources University of Akureyri in the spring of 2013.

The project supervisors were Eva Kuttner project manager at Matís and Rannveig Björnsdóttir, associate professor at the Faculty of Natural Resources at the University of Akureyri.

The opponent is Sesselja Ómarsdóttir, director of quality research at Alvotech and professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy University of Iceland.