
Food research in a changing world

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MNÍ Food Day 2016 will be held on Friday the 20th. October. This year's conference title: Food Research in a Changing World. The increase in the world's population, climate commitments, limited natural resources and increased food security requirements will affect the production, processing, distribution, sale and consumption of food.

Food Day deals with problems, challenges, solutions and the opportunities that come with this globally and in Iceland. Global problems and opportunities and the Icelandic reality often go hand in hand. Sustainable use of resources calls for environmental efforts and sustainable use of resources. The solutions can be to reduce waste and waste by developing distribution channels and cooling systems or valuable products from what was previously thrown away. It is called economic and social sustainability.

Computer, information, biotechnology and genetic engineering will have an even greater impact on the entire food value chain, research and surveillance than today. Research on food is, by its very nature, practical. However, they are usually based on basic research in the many disciplines of science on which food science is based. They are solution-oriented and almost always developed in collaboration with, for or on the initiative of stakeholders who can be the whole community, public authorities, food producers, food and start-up companies, consumers and grassroots organizations. The goal is always to improve benefits, increase welfare and ensure security.

The purpose is also to train the managers and staff of the future. Skills and knowledge-based industries will be even more important to Iceland's prosperity than they are today. Collaboration where walls were broken down between universities and industry has yielded good results in food science. Matís has been the bridge that connects these parties. Food scientists with an MS degree from the University of Iceland have thus increased by half in the last four years. 

From the very beginning, Food Day has been well attended by many people from different sectors, as it deals with food production, product development and currency creation, food traditions, food supplements, food safety, consumer protection and nutritional advice, all with reference to food, nutrition and health. Food is on the human side will be published on the occasion of the day as has been the case in recent years, but the magazine covers various interesting issues in the field of food production, nutrition and health with special emphasis on the main theme of each Food Day.

Researchers, students and companies will be available to present their research and products during registration as well as during coffee breaks. Further information about this will be sent to companies and the university community, but those interested are encouraged to contact Þóra Valsdóttir,  for further information.

On Food Day is Fjöregg MNÍ delivered but it is awarded for a commendable enterprise in the field of food and nutrition. Fjöreggið is a great prize piece, designed and built by Gleri in Bergvík and has been donated by the Confederation of Icelandic Industries from the beginning. Nominations will be requested from the MNÍ Fjöregg Committee.

The Executive Committee of Food Day is currently working on the final touches to the agenda and it will be published soon. MNÍ's entertainment committee has also been appointed, but it is planned to hold MNÍ's annual party on Friday 21 October, but it will be announced in more detail in the near future.

Draft agenda (subject to change):
