
Three doctoral students - Matís, Marine Research Institute and the Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Iceland

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Matís and the Marine Research Institute - the Marine and Water Research and Consulting Institute in collaboration with the University of Iceland's Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, are advertising for three doctoral students to work on the microbes in the Icelandic Marine Environment (MIME) project funded by the Icelandic Research Center (Rannís).

The following three doctoral projects are in question:

  1. Research on microbial diversity in the ocean around Iceland with an emphasis on primitive microorganisms. The student will be located at Matís.
  2. Research on genomes and gene expression of microbial genomes in Iceland aims to better understand the physiological response due to changes in environmental factors. The student will be located at Matís.
  3. Research on the role of phytoplankton and pico-eukaryotes in the context of microbial diversity and distribution, and their role in marine chemical cycles. The student will be located at the Marine Research Institute - the Marine and Water Research and Consulting Institute.

For more detailed and important information about the positions and how to apply important to read the ad about the positions in whole.