
Deception in seafood trade - seminar at Matís

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In recent years, there have been a number of cases where intermediaries and consumers have been deceived in trading in seafood. Examples of such deceptions are when cheap species are sold as more expensive, frozen products are sold as fresh, additives are added to products to gain weight, change appearance, extend the life or hide the damage of the product, endangered species are sold under a false flag, and so on.

Matís is hosting a seminar on how genetic engineering can be used to ensure integrity in trade in aquaculture and aquaculture products. The seminar is divided into four parts. Each section begins with a brief introduction to each topic, followed by a general discussion.

  1. Methods for monitoring and verifying the content of feed for aquaculture.
  2. Methods for detecting unwanted micro-organisms in seafood.
  3. Genetic methods for species identification and tracing of origin.
  4. Market requirements and utilization of genetic information with regard to regulatory and economic factors.

Location: Matís, Vínlandsleið 12, 113 RVK. Meeting room 312 - Columns.
Time: March 16, 2016, at 9:00 - 12:00.

It is necessary to register participation to Guðbjörg Ólafsdóttir,

All further information can be found in leaflet about the seminar.