
A wonderful visit from the University Association of the South

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Recently, students from Matvælabrúarinn from Háskólafélag Suðurlands visited Matís and stayed here for a day for a course in sensory assessment. Teachers were Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir and Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir.

In the course, students gained an overview of what sensory evaluation is and how it is used in food production, and quality control.

The teaching was both theoretical and practical, students learned to recognize basic flavors, use the sense of smell and became acquainted with different methods of sensory evaluation. In addition, students were introduced to how product taste, smell and texture tests are used in consumer surveys and different methods of consumer surveys. The results of the practical exercises were compiled using the same methods as are used in Matís' research, and the discussions became lively and informative.

Further information is provided by Kolbrún Sveinsdóttir and Aðalheiður Ólafsdóttir at Matís and Ingunn Jónsdóttir at Háskólafélag Suðurlands.

News compiled from text on the web