
NordBio - Nordic Bioeconomy - plan and project

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An open presentation meeting is called where the NordBio program and its projects will be presented, but the Nordic Bioeconomy (NordBio) is a priority in the Icelandic Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers. NordBio's goal is to make the Nordic region a leader in sustainable production and use of living resources in order to reduce waste and promote innovation, a green economy and rural development.

The NordBio program brings together a broad group of Nordic experts who join forces and work on projects that promote the sustainable use of living natural resources. The plan covers three years (2014-2016).


Tuesday, March 3, at 13-16.


The Nordic House, Sturlugata 5, 101 Reykjavík.

No entrance fee and everyone is welcome.


  • Meeting minutes | Eygló Harðardóttir, Iceland's Minister for Co-operation in the Nordic Council of Ministers.
  • The bioeconomy - the basis of sustainable development | Daði Már Kristófersson, Associate Professor of Natural Resource Economics at the University of Iceland.
  • The NordBio program | Halldór Runólfsson, Chairman of the Icelandic Project Board of NordBio. 
  • WoodBio. The role of wood biomass in the Nordic bioeconomy | Ólafur Eggertsson, State Forestry.
  • Innovation in the bioeconomy. Opportunities for product development and value creation | Sigrún Elsa Smáradóttir, Matís.
  • Marina. Increased use of environmentally friendly energy at sea | Ágústa S. Loftsdóttir, National Energy Authority.
  • Ermond. Reservation against natural disasters | Guðmundur Halldórsson, Landgræðsla ríkisins.
  • Biophilia. Creativity as a teaching method Björk Óttarsdóttir, Ministry of Education and Culture.
  • The Nordic Region's living resources: sustainability goals | Brynhildur Davíðsdóttir, University of Iceland.
  • Organic waste for innovation | Guðrún Lilja Kristinsdóttir, Environment Agency.
  • Opportunities related to the bioeconomy in selected regions | Sigríður Kristjánsdóttir, Iceland Innovation Center.
  • Sustainable protein production | Torfi Jóhannesson, Ministry of Industry and Innovation.
  • Inquiries and discussions.

There will be a coffee break at 14.30.


Danfríður Skarphéðinsdóttir, Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources.

More about NordBio at and on Facebook page of the meeting.