
Our research - everyone benefits

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Increased foreign co-operation characterized Matís' operations in 2014. International co-operation broadens the horizons, strengthens the knowledge and skills of employees and supports value creation in the food and biotechnology industry, both domestically and abroad. International projects not only support researchers and existing companies, but also support rural development through the creation of derivative businesses, new jobs and international business relations for companies.

2014 was the year of the bioeconomy. Never before have we been so aware of the importance of science and innovation in tackling the challenges of food security and the sustainable use of living resources. Matís has emphasized the blue bioeconomy and plays a key role in that field, both domestically and internationally.

In a globalized world, international collaboration between scientists and companies is the key to increasing competitiveness, creating a stable economy and prosperous societies. Food production is one of the most important aspects of the Icelandic economy. Food security plays a key role here. In 2014, Matís collaborated very well with the Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture, the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture and the German institutions BfR and LAVES, together with Matvælastofnun, in building our capacity for chemical analysis of food, in the project "Safe Food". The project promotes even safer food on the tables of Icelandic consumers and increases the credibility of Icelandic food around the world. It is my pleasure to thank our partners for their wonderful contribution and support.

Cooperation with our Nordic cousins has always been important to us Icelanders. This was not least the case in 2014 when Iceland appointed the Nordic Council of Ministers, where the entire bioeconomy was the focus of the President's project. "Innovation in the Nordic Bioeconomy“. Opportunities in the Arctic bioeconomy were discussed at conferences hosted by Matís in June and November. It is important for the Nordic countries to be at the forefront of the bioeconomy when it comes to seizing opportunities and reducing the risks posed by climate change in our part of the world. Creating a favorable environment in these areas for innovative companies, and thereby creating employment opportunities for well-trained and educated staff, contributes to the increased value of natural resources and increased global food security, both of which are high on the agenda of international politics.

Icelandic seafood producers are known for quality, innovation and responsible use of resources. Matís is proud to have worked with them over the years to achieve this result. We should undoubtedly continue to innovate vigorously in food production, while at the same time realizing the potential risks associated with innovation and the importance of food safety. With such values in mind, the greatest results will be achieved.

Today's consumers are enlightened. Scandals related to food security, increased education and the introduction of social media have changed the environment for food production forever. It can be expected that changes in that environment will continue, as consumers become more aware of the different benefits, trade barriers have been removed and online shopping will reach new heights. Tomorrow's consumers will ask for scientific information on nutritional value, contaminants, health effects, social responsibility and the environmental impact of food production. In order for food producers to be able to respond to consumer calls, knowledge is needed. Matís' research in these areas will therefore be of benefit to everyone in the future, as is the case today. 

Sveinn Margeirsson, CEO of Matís.