
The future of Icelandic scientists is bright

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Cooperation with educational institutions and vocational training for students is one of the important aspects of Matís' operations. In doing so, Matís is not only making it easier for students and recent graduates to gain opportunities for further knowledge acquisition, but Matís is following up on its emphasis on research and innovation in the field of food for the benefit of the economy, public health and food safety.

A fun interview with Ásta Heiðrún E. Pétursdóttir was recently published in JASS News in Scotland. Ásta is a post-doc at Matís but was studying for a doctorate at the University of Aberdeen.

In the interview, Ásta says, among other things, that when she made the decision to go to Scotland to study, she thought that the two countries, Iceland and Scotland, were not so different now - rain, wind, mountains and sheep!

The full interview can be read on the web JAAS News.