
Icelandic Agricultural Sciences

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The 27th volume of the international scientific journal Icelandic Agricultural Sciences has now been published and all the articles that appear there are also accessible on the journal's website,

The issue contains nine articles by selected domestic and foreign scholars who cover a wide range of topics, as well as an editorial. First of all, there is a review article on the immune response in cod, but such basic knowledge is very important if we are to succeed in developing a profitable cod farm in Iceland. The publication also contains remarkable articles on research on the cold adaptation of winter wheat, assessment of the primary productivity of Icelandic grassland by remote sensing, research on listeria infection in horses, measurements of the physical and chemical properties of upwelling and dust pollution in Iceland, genetic analysis of Icelandic horse history and soil structure. fertilizer phosphorus in fields in Iceland, pollen research to explain the vegetation history of birch and its mixing with mountain kills from the end of the Ice Age in Iceland, and finally a study of the root growth of Icelandic birch.

The editors of IAS would like to draw your attention to the publication and encourage the staff of publishing houses and other scholars and women to familiarize themselves with these new articles.

More about the publication of IAS

This year, the publication received a total of 55 manuscripts for publication. The number of manuscripts submitted, mainly from Asia, does not fall within the geographical focus of the publication (northern or other cool regions) and is therefore rejected immediately. This year there were a total of 39 scripts. The other 16 manuscripts were submitted for professional peer review and at that stage 5 manuscripts were dropped and it can be said that this is a very high percentage (31%), but shows that the professional peer review is well done. Two manuscripts received this year have now been peer-reviewed and are expected to appear in the next issue.

IAS is open access and is published once a year and only has peer-reviewed scientific articles in English. It is one of the first-class scientific publications (ISI) and as such it now received for the third year in a row food from the Tomson Reuters Web of Knowlgede. For the first two years, the assessment factor (ISI Impact Factor) was 0.562 and 1.750, which is a very good result, but it fell to 0.071 this year. This great variability can be explained by the fact that the ISI assessment coefficient is only based on citations to articles from the last two years, and since we only publish very few articles each year, the assessment coefficient can fall to a very low number if few articles are quoted. The publication is also published rather late in the year and it also reduces the likelihood of a high assessment coefficient and increases the variability, as the coefficient builds them almost exclusively in one year. The editors would therefore like to bring the publication forward to reduce these fluctuations.

The editorial board has now concluded an agreement that all articles published hereafter in IAS will have so-called doi numbers, but such electronic reference numbers are becoming a requirement for all first-class scientific publications.

This year's issue is a total of 125 pages and contains several articles that are much longer than the set criteria. This significantly increases costs for publishers. To counter this trend, the editors have now decided to set a maximum length of 12 pages for general articles that authors can have published free of charge, but charge a fee of € 250 (about ISK 40,000) for each page in excess of that length. This fee is almost equal to the actual cost of publishing each page of the publication.

This can be found in more detail in the Instructions to Authors on the publication's website (

We accept manuscripts for articles throughout the year and publish them online as soon as they are ready for publication. As several manuscripts are already being processed, it can be expected that the first articles in issue 28/2015 will be published online at the beginning of next year.

The publication is available from: Margrét Jónsdóttir, AUI, Keldnaholt, 112 Reykjavík (


  • Icelandic Farmers' Association
  • Hólar University
  • Agricultural University of Iceland
  • State Land Reclamation
  • Matís
  • Forestry Research Station, Mógilsá
  • University of Iceland Laboratory of Pathology, Keldur
  • Veiðimálastofnun

Editorial Board IAS

  • Þorsteinn Guðmundsson (editor in chief)
  • Bjarni Diðrik Sigurðsson
  • Sigurður Ingvarsson

Editorial Board IAS

  • Bjarni Kristófer Kristjánsson
  • Edda Oddsdóttir
  • Guðmundur Halldórsson
  • Helga Gunnlaugsdóttir
  • Jón Ólafsson
  • Ólöf Sigurðardóttir
  • Ægir Þór Þórsson