
Do you want to taste salt and seaweed?

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This weekend, Búr's food market takes place in Harpan, where there is an opportunity to taste salt, seaweed and other delicious algae. Algae are full of minerals, vitamins and other healthy nutrients that make them nutritionally a good addition to any food. Despite their enormous amount, just within reach, algae are an underused raw material - but that is about to change, say scholars. Algae make all food more interesting!

Algae grow along our shores. They stretch up, down and across and accumulate sea salts and minerals. They provide life and protection for fish, shellfish and other marine organisms but have a limited place in our diet. Many predict that in the near future seaweed will become an everyday food in the Nordic countries. It can also be used in a variety of ways to increase the nutritional value of food while supporting the West's fight against obesity as well as the consequences of malnutrition where it is found.

Baked seaweed

Algae can be cooked in a variety of ways. It is good to mix algae in a smoothie or fry them lightly with sesame seeds, and it can be good to grind them and then strain them over various dishes. Seaweed is a great snack after a while in the oven with a little oil. You can fry chicken in a fireproof dish with a little algae in the water, to give a taste. In desserts with sour cream, some types of algae can be used as a gelling agent such as marine kernels. Algae can also be used as a flavoring in soups and salads, dried and cut into small pieces. Then it is good to put algae in bread, for example salt. It's just a matter of trying it out. Go collect algae yourself or buy at the nearest store. The product selection is getting better and better and recipes can be found in cookbooks or online.

As with other foods, moderation is best. It is important to ensure that algae are cut in clean areas and some types of algae are so rich in iodine that only a small amount of them is needed to exceed the recommended consumption. With it behind the ear, algae are a great ingredient to make our diet healthier.    

A healthy addition to the Nordic kitchen

New Nordic Food, a project of the Nordic Council of Ministers, has emphasized utilization possibilities, as the idea is to use food algae as a healthy addition to the Nordic kitchen. This autumn there will be events in all the Nordic countries where the theme is seaweed as healthy and tasty food (see more here). The aim is to introduce the raw material and encourage the public to use algae for food.

At Maturmarkaður Búrsinn the weekend of 30 - 31 August, there will be a special presentation and sale of food algae. The main manufacturers will be on site to promote their products and ask questions. So, bottom line is that we're really looking forward to it.