
Matís at Nýsköpunartorg SI on 23 and 24 May

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The Innovation Square will be held at Reykjavík University on 23 and 24 May. This is a professional conference on the working environment and development process of innovative companies and an exhibition where companies and institutions present results in innovation. Nýsköpunartorgið is held in connection with the 20th anniversary of the Confederation of Icelandic Industries and the 10th anniversary of the Technology Development Fund.

Friday 23 May at 8.45-17.00

The professional conference begins with a joint program in Sólinn, after which seminars will be held in six rooms of the university. On the one hand, there are three lines on the development process of innovative companies where companies are divided into departments according to their stage of development, and on the other hand seminars on related support services such as copyright, patents and standards. Conference guests can choose the lectures that interest them the most.



Joint program at 8.45-10.00 

  • speech - Ari Kristinn Jónsson, Rector of RU
  • Sentence - Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, Prime Minister
  • Increased productivity, value creation and exports - Guðrún Hafsteinsdóttir, chairman of SI
  • The state's investments in innovation - Technology Development Fund
  • Operating and support systems for innovative companies - Salóme Guðmundsdóttir, Innovit Klak

Seminars at 10.10-15.00 

Division 3 seminars: companies with an annual turnover of 0-10 million

  • In the starting blocks - The first sale - The first development project - Initial financing

Division 2 seminars: companies with an annual turnover of 10-100 million

  • Product adaptation - Continuing financing - Market structure - Process development and organization

Division 1 seminars: companies with an annual turnover of 100-1000 million

  • Streamlined Management - Upscaling / Comprehensive Solutions - Growth Financing - Globalization

Seminars for service and professionals

  • CE marking - Patents - Information security - Electronic commerce - Foreign co-operation and grants - Technology Development Fund - NMÍ Services - Iceland Stock Exchange - SI Services - NSA Equity Financing - Energy Management of Companies

During the lunch break there will be refreshments in the Sun. Ragnheiður Elín Árnadóttir, Minister of Industry, will present the exhibition at Nýsköpunartorg and awards will be presented at Ecotrophelia Iceland, a competition for environmentally friendly food innovation.

Following the seminars, Bjarni Benediktsson, Minister of Finance, will present the Growth Sprout's recognition. Serve light snacks.

VIEW here

Exciting INNOVATION SQUARE for the whole family
Saturday 24 May at 11.00-17.00

All those who are interested in innovation and technology will be invited to Nýsköpunartorgið. About 70 innovative companies and institutions present products and services, but in addition there will be various events for the whole family, e.g. 

  • Company presentations on technology opportunities - See AGENDA
  • Pollapunk takes the song
  • Blocked by Mindstorm
  • Played with Casino Friends
  • GameCreator's four winning teams introduce new video games
  • Measurements of the condition of the skin available EGF skin care products
  • Try cycling with the world's lightest bicycle fork
  • How is electricity created?
  • Innovation competition for primary school students
  • Real or fake? Fake products on display
  • Take part in an innovation on Sky's word wall where you search for Icelandic in English computer terms 
  • and more fun…

VIEW exhibitors

Admission to the show is free.

Objectives The objectives of Nýsköpunartorg are to create a clear picture of the success and development of the technology and intellectual property industry and the involvement of the support system and the Technology Development Fund and to this development as well as to build a strong and positive image of these companies by showing and reporting innovation in different companies.

The Confederation of Icelandic Industries, Tækniþróunarsjóður, RU, Einkaleyfastofa and Ský and other parties related to the innovation environment in Iceland are responsible for Nýsköpunartorgin.

More information can be found at website of the Confederation of Icelandic Industries.